Team Yellow Lindsey Dutson, Malia Mack, Gordon Maxim, Zach Ator, and Jessica Farnell
The one card is the official student ID that gives you instant access to all your financial aid and campus funds. This card is not only your college ID but is also a discover card that allows you to receive refunds faster. Some card advantages are that its not a credit card so there are no credit card risks. It has online bill pay options and it comes with checks that can be cashed free at any Walmart locations. Most of the information can be found for the Ed pass and one-card on SLCC’s website. You can go the Redwood campus and receive a large packet from the Information desk located in the Student Center building, for how to obtain your one card.
You can buy your UTA Ed-pass online at and print a copy of your receipt to take to any ID center. They can then print your new one card and activate your bus pass. UTA passes for Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 semesters are $ per semester, and a 30 day pass is $ You must also be registered first to activate your one card or bus pass.
Mt. America Credit Union In the basement of the Student Center building. They have telephone and online banking options. They also have savings, auto, and student loans. (Mt. America Credit Union, 2011, pgs. 1-4). They have a new and great checking program: “My Style Checking.” (Mt. America Credit Union, 2011, pg. 1) This program allows you to have rewards for the things you already do/have in a checking account. Plus, they allow you to personalize your account with/and get rewards by using, cool new features such as: I.D. Protection, music downloads, credit monitoring, etc. (Mt. America Credit Union, 2011, pgs. 2,4). Mt. America also have “My Free Checking” if you want just a basic account. There are NO fees. But, you have to do your banking statements online. (Mt. America CU, 2011, pg 4). The company is on social media websites like Twitter and Facebook. Or you can find out their website: (Mt. America Credit Union, 2011, various brochures).
Bookstore, First Floor Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-8pm, Friday 8am-4pm, Saturday & Sunday closed. Sell textbooks, instructor’s notes, school supplies, backpacks, clothes, knick- knacks, even personal decorations. They also sell used books, price depends on condition. Cash or credit card only. Phone: , they have 5 other numbers you can reach them at. Contact: Silvia Shields, cashier. Copy Center, First Floor Hours: M-Th 8am-5:30pm, F 8am-4:30 pm, Sat & Sun closed. Xerox copies ($0.10 ea.), Fax, scan Main Printing service is located in basement of Applied Technology Center. Markosian Library, Redwood Campus Hours: M-Th 7:30am-9:30pm, F 7:30am-6pm, Sat 9:30am-6pm, Sun closed. Computers and copy machines are available to make copies of selected pages from reference books or textbooks. Textbooks may be checked out for 4 hours at a time but can not leave the building.
It’s in the middle of the basement of the Student Center on Redwood Campus, and office E127 at the South City Campus. (Thayne Center, 2011, pg. 6) You can find organizations to join to start serving the community, there. They also offer resume help and you can find many scholarships and work- study help that you can get if you’re involved in the service-learning community. (Thayne Center,2011, pgs. 1-3). If you go to their website: you can find opportunities to serve that are needed at times when you have free blocks of time. (Thayne Center, 2011, pg.1) They have helpful papers and brochures that have useful info and tips. The people there, also can help you, with your service questions. The staff really helps guide students through the service experience, from the beginning. (Thayne Center, 2011, pg1) They’re main website is: (Thayne Center, 2011, pg.1,6) Plus they are on most of the major “social media” websites like Youtube, Facebook, etc. And they even have their own “Volunteer Opportunity” blog! (Thayne Center, 2011, pgs. 1,6).
On the 2 nd floor of the Student Center. There are approximately 55 clubs covering a wide variety of interests and purposes: including science, engineering, astronomy, pre-med, nursing, music, dance, sports, and hobbies. There are clubs for African- American, Latin-Americans, Indian and Asian students. There is even an LE 1020 Club. A brochure lists the clubs, plus advisor, and e- mail address for each one.
The leadershape institute is offered in Illinois and in california, having an amount of 20,000 graduates since the program was started in While in this program you are discovering a lot about yourself and learning practical leadership skills you can use later on in life. This program helps discover leadership traits, because leaders are not born with leadership, nor made into a leader, but simply shaped into one. The globe radio is a radio production class that is a great place to get your start in anything radio; DJing, producing, live broadcasting, etc. Comm 1560 is the class you can sign up for to start doing any of these careers/hobbies on the radio, they allow first time students to, interview guests, DJ for any sporting event the school has, or just play your own favorite tunes!
Students wanting to explore leadership positions are encouraged to go into Student Government. They may be elected into the Executive Council which includes: SBO Pres., Vice Pres., Activities Vice, CAB Vice, Campus Affairs, and Public Relations Vice. Also students can run for senate which each representative that’s elected has 1,000 students they represent. Also they may be assigned to different areas. Student Life and Leadership helps get students involved. They provide opportunities for students to have a say in what is happening and to get involved. There are many service opportunities students can take that are offered and ways to give back to the community. Also there are events that held on different campuses that are family or student oriented.
Mt. America Credit Union. (2011). Various brochures. [Brochures, Pamphlets]. Mt. America Credit Union. (2011). My Style Checking [Brochures]. Mt. America Credit Union. (2011). My Style Checking (back cover) [Brochure]. Mt. America Credit Union. (2011). Various brochures [Brochures and Pamphlets]. Thayne Center, SLCC. (2011). Thayne Center [Brochure]. Thayne Center. (2011). Working with Community Partners: Tips for Students. [Info paper]. Thayne Center, SLCC. (2011). Thayne Center [Brochure and Info Paper]. Thayne Center, SLCC. (2011). Thayne Center. General Info [Brochure and General Info Paper]. (2011). Salt Lake Community College, Student Center building. (2011). Power point 2010 clip art (2011).