Chapter 4 Section 3 Notes
I. The Rise of Persia
A. Had its beginnings in what today is Iran
B. Formed kingdom on tolerance and diplomacy
C. Abundance of natural resources
1. Metals
D. Cyrus the Great becomes Persia’s first empire builder in 550 B.C.
Cyrus the Great
1. Extended his empire from Anatolia to Indus River
2. Allowed conquered peoples to keep their customs and religions
3. Allowed the Jews to return to their homeland
Persian Kings In Bible History Common Name B.C. Date Name In Persian Name In Bible Bible References Cyrus 539-530 Koorush Isaiah 45, Daniel, Ezra 1-3 Cambysses 530-521 Cambujieh Ahasruerus Ezra 4-6 Pseudo Smerdis 521 Berooyeh Doroughi Artaxerxes Ezra 4:7-23 Darius the Great 521-486 Darryoosh Darius Ezra 5,6 Xerxes 486-465 Khashayarshah Ahasurerus Esther 1-10 Artaxerxes I 464-423 Ardeshier Deraz Dast Nehemiah 1 - 13, Ezra 7-10
II. Persian Rule and Religion
A. Cambyses was the son of Cyrus and was a terrible ruler only lasting five years and creating rebellions in the empire including the conquered lands of Egypt
B. Darius succeeds Cambyses and for his first three years he has to put down rebellions
Darius I
City of Persepolis
1. Darius was a former body guard of the king and had the support of the military elite called the Ten Thousand Immortals
2. Darius did have a secret police like our CIA called, The Eyes and 2. Darius did have a secret police like our CIA called, The Eyes and Ears of the King
3. Darius and his son Xerxes only had one failure, their inability to defeat the Greeks
Xerxes Son of Darius Xerxes Hall of 100 columns >
4. Darius divided his kingdom into 20 provinces
1. He placed governors called Satraps in each province
5.Built the Royal Road some 1677 miles long
6. Copied the use of coins from the Lydian’s
C. Persian prophet and religious reformer Zoroaster starts the Persian religion Zoroastrianism
1. God of Truth and Light, Ahura Mazda
2. God of Evil and Darkness, Ahriman
3. Religious book called the Avesta
4. Developed concept of Heaven and Hell from Judaism