Construction Leadership The Basics – Part 4 Communications
Where we’re headed Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Part I - Personal Leadership Basics of Leadership Leadership traits Personality Motivation Communications… Leadership Styles Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
My Fortune Cookie A leader is a person you will follow to a place you wouldn’t go by yourself… (author unknown) Leadership Basics…
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. The Basis of MBTI… According to Carl Jung… “Predictable differences in individuals are caused by differences in the way people prefer to use their minds.” “When you use your preferred method, you are at your natural best, feel most confident and energetic.”
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. The Basis of MBTI… The MBTI measures these preferences… –Focus of attention: Extraversion or Introversion –Acquiring information: Sensing or iNtuition –Making decisions: Thinking or Feeling –External orientation: Judging or Perceiving
Class MBTI Profiles Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Percent85.2%56.6%43.4%54.7%45.3%62.3%37.7%71.7%24.5% GradeMBTIEINSTFJP Percent83.7%61.7%36.2%55.3%42.6%66.0%31.9%83.0%14.9% GradeMBTIEINSTFJP A Group B Group
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Motivation & Leadership 1-Basic Physiological Needs 2-Physical & Emotional Safety 3-Belonging & Love Motivators Hygiene Factors 4-Esteem 5-Self 11 - Interesting jobs 6 - Achievement 6 – Good salary 3 – Working conditions 2 - Job security 2 - Personal life 2 – Recognition 2 - Relations with boss 1 - Job status 0 - Criticism Leadership Zone 60% Treading Water
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Motivational Factors (class responses) Motivational Factors (class responses) _21__ Interesting jobs _13__ Good salary/advancement _13__ Good working conditions __8__ Job security __6__ Achievement __5__ Support for personal life __3__ Recognition for your work __3__ Good relations with boss __2__ Job status, a title __1__ Constructive criticism
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Communications: The Essential Leadership Tool The Functions of Communications The Communications Process Types of Communications Verbal & Non-verbal communications Why Communications Fail Leader’s Communications Goals Making Effective Presentations
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Communications Exercise
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Communications Exercise Select a volunteer “communicator” Without naming the object, give directions to the group so that they will reproduce this object exactly in terms of size, shape and orientation. You have 5 minutes for the task
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Communications Model Filters Source Encoder Receiver Decoder Message A,A,A,A!! ?????? Personality Perception Attitudes Emotions Prejudices Personal Goals Skill level Format Environment Your delivery
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Communications is “transactional” Always a two-way process Factors affecting understanding: Verbal = 30% of the message o Words, Gestures, Voice Non-verbal = 70% of the message o Face, Eyes, Expression, Reaction
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Communications Model Filters Source Encoder Receiver Decoder Message A,A,A,A!! Personality Perception Attitudes Emotions Prejudices Personal Goals Skill level Format Environment Your delivery Feedback A,A,A,A!!!
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Communications is “transactional” Always a two-way process Skills are hereditary & developed Much of process is sub-conscious –No time for thinking –Reactions are from sub-conscious –Responses can be expanded through experience Relationships ease communications
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Functions of Communications Informational – task oriented Instrumental – enable collaboration Social – maintain relationships Expression – conveys feelings Persuasion – changes attitudes Ritual – related to roles
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Types of Communications Task oriented communications –Accomplish a goal or mission –Tend to be adversarial & tense –Result is negative interaction Relationship oriented communications –Do not contribute to goals or mission –Purpose is to ease tension and maintain relationships –Explaining, reasoning, compromising… finding common ground –Result is positive interaction Need a balance of both… pos > neg
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Disagreement is not all bad… Diversity improves decisions –Introduces differing viewpoints & experiences –Avoids blind spots –Exposes risk –Tests validity of decisions –Avoids “group think” Dysfunctional when conflict results –Confine discussion to issues –Avoid personal attacks –Leader must set the balance
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Why Communications Fail Poor expression – choice of words, sensitivity to group, poor diction or delivery, culture differences Reluctant communicators – shy, uncomfortable, avoid conflict, personality, unfamiliar with group Dominant communicators – over power others, status, experience, cause “group think” Failure to question/disagree – issues remain, risks not questioned, new methods not explored Mechanics – distance, method, distortion, overload
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Leader’s Communication Goals Deliver a clear picture of the task Deliver or develop a clear plan of action Make people feel important Show you value employees & their ability Be a good listener, consider other’s views Be sympathetic to ideas & needs Be sincere & fair with everyone Give plenty of praise & encouragement Establish balance & maintain relationships
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Making Presentations Structure Delivery Evaluation
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Basic Format for a Presentation I. Introduction - Attention getting step - Preview of your presentation II. Discussion - Develop key points - Support with data… be careful! - Logical order III. Conclusion - Review main points - Memorable statement
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. “Styles Presentation/Paper” I. Introduction -Attention getting step – be creative – get the audience to listen to you! -State your leadership style clearly II. Discussion - Talk about your MBTI & how it influences your “preferred style -Explain how you “prefer” to lead a team and why… give your style a “name” -Give an example of a person or event that influenced your decision -Tell a personal story: sports, activity, family experience -Describe a personal experience from an internship or summer job - Have an outline and be sure to follow a logical order and timing III. Conclusion -Review the main points… your MBTI & style -Close with a statement that will make the audience “remember” your talk
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Evaluating your presentation 1. Key points (10) – clear message 2. Organization (10) – good format 3. Graphics (10) – simple & related 4. Delivery (10) – voice & diction 5. Posture (10) – eye contact 6. Timing (10) – pace & limits 7. Creativity (20) - interesting 8. Effectiveness (20) – convincing
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Effective Presentations Eye contact: face your audience Diction: speak slowly & clearly Impact: use simple clear graphics Time: stick to your limit = 5 minutes!!! Memory: 3 or 4 Key points… max! Organize: simple clear structure Rehearse: practice delivery & timing Engage: your audience… do not read
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Delivery Techniques 1.Step up and speak with confidence & authority 2.Establish contact with audience before speaking 3.Begin without using notes 4.Maintain contact with your audience 5.Sound extemporaneous… not reading or memorized 6.Use only one 3x5 card for notes 7.Avoid annoying pauses: ah, eh, so, well, etc. 8.Separate ideas… don’t run them together 9.Have good posture, don’t lean or cross legs 10.No distractions like coins, pencils, aids 11.Dress appropriately 12.Speak loudly & clearly
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. End of Part 1 – Don’t go away!
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Solution to using MBTI… Personality types: Prof Locurcio: ENTJ44,75,38,44 Dr. Cosentino: ENFJ89,62,38,56 Dr. Pandit: ISTJ62,38,36,22 Dr. Heck: INTJ44,12,1,44 Dr. Pinelli: INTJ11,12,1,33