Purpose of Water Treatment c. Safe Drinking Water Act and SDWA amendments
Learning Objectives: n List and describe important elements in the Safe Drinking Water Act (1974) and Amendments of 1986 and1996. n Justify the changes in the SDWA amendments to reduce risk of water contamination and increase consumer awareness.
The Original Safe Drinking Water Act n Established in 1974 n Established initial 18 interim MCLs in 1975 n Established requirements for monitoring, analyzing, reporting regulated contaminants in drinking water, record keeping and notifying public when a water system fails to meet federal standards
SDWA Amendments 1986 n Require EPA to set 83 MCL and MCLGs n Regulate 25 additional contaminants every three years starting 1991 n Require disinfection of all public water supplies n Specify filtration requirements for nearly all water systems that draw their water from surface sources
n Develop additional programs to protect ground water supplies (e.g., a new Wellhead protection program and an enhanced Sole Source Aquifer program). n Establish monitoring requirements for unregulated contaminants which states were required to report on every five years so that EPA could decide whether or not to regulate those contaminants. SDWA Amendments 1986
n Implement a new ban on lead-based solder, pipe and flux materials in distribution systems n Specify the “best available technology” (BAT) for treating each contaminant for which EPA sets an MCL. SDWA Amendments 1986
n Creates new programs for water regulation and public notice. n Authorizes $12 billion in federal funds for drinking water programs ( ) to support these programs. SDWA Amendments 1996
n Arsenic - EPA studies required to determine MCL’s for drinking water. n Disinfectant/Disinfectant By-Products (D/DBP) rules (e.g., establishment of MCL’s for Total Trihalomethane (TTHM’s). n Public Notice - Information Collection Rule (ICR) and annual public reports. SDWA Amendments 1996
n Current contaminants - MCL’s for 83 contaminants implemented by n New contaminants - evaluation and addition of new MCL’s (e.g., arsenic, sulfate, radon). SDWA Amendments 1996
n Filter backwash recycling - regulated by n Regulation review - regulation reviewed and revised (if necessary) every six years. n Enforcement - public notification, lead fixtures, chemical supplies, record keeping, etc. SDWA Amendments 1996
Summary: Summary: n Changes in the SDWA amendments demonstrate regulatory efforts to reduce risk of water contamination and increase consumer awareness. n 1996 amendments to the SDWA includes creation of new programs and increased funding for water quality.