› EPF MAP September member organisations 20 countries
› WHAT IS THE EUROPEAN PASSENGERS FEDERATION? founded 2002 the European umbrella organisation of national and regional passengers’ organisations financed by its member organisations representing passengers’ views at the European level dealing with all modes of public transport such us local transport, railways, buses, aviation and maritime transport
› What is the Intercity Market More European are living and towns and cities Travel between them is by plane, train, coach or car The 2011 EU White Paper proposed that rail become the main mode for medium distance traffic Deutsche Bahn plans for all cities over 100,000 to be served by Inter City trains.
› Rail must play to its strengths Linking city centre to city centre Speed and reliability with dedicated infrastructure Properly equipped stations which are or should also be multi-modal hubs More space than in a coach or aircraft
› Not all customers are the same – so fares may vary Fares must give good value for money No hidden extras! Encourage off-peak travel – but do not make the fares system too complex Encourage pre-booking, but accept that not everyone can do this. Should reservations be free? Compulsory?
› Speed? Or Frequency? Are one or two fast trains per day enough? “Norwich in 90”? Does the average traveller value reliability more than speed? High speed trains increase market share Does Switzerland need a model that is different from France? Hourly trains Norwich to Liverpool have grown the business.
› Friendly trains? Business-friendly Family-friendly PRM-friendly Everyone gains from convenient trains and stations, suitable catering, well-trained staff
› Easy Travel... Easy to find out about Easy to book Easy to access Easy connections – the First and Final Mile – seamless travel Well-informed and motivated staff are a key factor
› Easy Travel... Easy to find out about Easy to book Easy to access Easy connections – the First and Final Mile – seamless travel Well-informed and motivated staff are a key factor
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