Assessing with Purpose in High School Math AAC - Fall 2014 Spencer
What do we use to report the extend to which a student is achieving? Percents are used - but please think about this... It said: 82% Organic does that mean: 82% of the individual chips are organic, and the other 18% aren't 82% of the ingredients in each chip are organic, and 18% aren't 82% of each chip is organic, and 18% of it somehow is not
What does the student know, understand and what is she able to do? I don't think 82% really addresses that, but maybe a rubric could... sample English rubric I found What can the student to do improve? aac rubric
a beginning my thoughts now
Old Marks New try 1 New try 2 2.5/32/32/4 2/24/4 0.5/22/4 1.5/32/32/4 1/13/3 0/10/3 0/10/3 6.5/10= 65%10/14=71%10/16 = 63% 1/3 = 33%3/9 = 33% 7.5/13 = 58%13/23 = 57%13/25 = 52% Cory 0/10/3 0/10/3 0/10/3 0/10/4 0/10/4 0/10/3 0/10/2 0/10/2 1/13/3 1/14/4 0/10/3 2/11 = 18% 7/34= 21% overall - old - 40% overall - new - 34% overall - new - 35%
Old Marks New try 1 New try 2 3/3 3/4 2/24/4 2/24/4 3/3 3/4 1/13/3 1/13/3 1/13/3 10/10= 100%14/14=100%14/16 = 88% 3/3 = 100%9/9 = 100% 13/13 = 100%23/23 = 100%23/25 = 92% Glen 1/13/3 1/13/3 1/13/3 1/13/4 1/13/4 1/13/3 1/12/2 1/12/2 1/13/3 0/10/4 1/13/3 10/11 = 91% 31/34= 91% overall - old - 96% overall - new - 92% overall - new - 95%
Old Marks New try 1 New try 2 2/3 2/4 0.5/22/4 2/24/4 3/3 3/4 1/13/3 0/10/3 0/10/3 7.5/10= 75%11/14=79%11/16 = 69% 1/3 = 33%3/9 = 33% 8.5/13 = 65%14/23 = 61%14/25 = 56% 0/10/3 0/10/3 1/13/3 1/14/4 1/14/4 1/13/3 1/12/2 1/12/2 0/10/3 1/14/4 0/10/3 7/11 = 64% 22/34= 65% overall - old - 64% overall - new - 61% overall - new - 63% Lexis
Old MarksNew try 1 New try 2 3/3 3/4 2/24/4 2/24/4 3/3 3/4 1/13/3 0/10/3 1/13/3 10/10= 100%14/14=100%14/16 = 88% 2/3 = 67%6/9 = 67% 12/13 = 92%20/23 = 87%20/25 = 80% Kyle 0/10/3 1/13/3 0/10/3 0/10/4 0/10/4 1/13/3 1/12/2 1/12/2 1/13/3 0/10/4 1/13/3 6/11 = 55% 16/34= 47% overall - old - 75% overall - new - 61% overall - new - 63%
So maybe we need something a bit different...
What am I going to use this for... to... re-mark pieces of our current assessments or... create holistic summatives and mark those or... have students self assess or... use as a guide while planning lessons and re-creating our summatives - incl. performance tasks
@learningcoachsp Thanks!