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Two types of QEPs those that relate directly to classroom learning (for example, improving math competencies) and those that relate to the learning environment (for example, creating a student success center)
The ANCHOR Model gives us both: an enhanced method of advising students and the new College to Career Navigation course.
The advising processes will shift from prescriptive approaches to a blend of developmental and intrusive advising practices.
The new course will have a significant emphasis on holistic academic advising based on the O’Banion model and developmental advising practices.
The course also offers us a robust assessment plan based on Gen Ed competencies, typically the weakest part of a QEP.
What should you expect from the visit? QEP Team members: Meetings with the onsite team to discuss the QEP and to hear their suggestions.
Everyone else: Know the QEP topic and be familiar with the ANCHOR Model in case you’re asked by a team member. Get ready to begin implementation after approval.
Other QEP Activities Internal marketing campaign Website ANCHOR Week
Tell your students! Onsite reviewers may ask random students if they are familiar with the QEP. “ANCHOR moment of silence”
The QEP is on Jweb!