Information on recognition Seminar on the recognition of qualifications Baku, 22 April 2005 Gunnar Vaht Estonian ENIC/NARIC
What information is needed? educational system as a whole Status and type of institution system of quality assurance/accreditation study program access requirements; graduation requirements grading system, credit system purpose of studies - access to labor market and further studies International legal instruments and agreements National legislation and requirements
The applicant should present Application All certificates/diplomas since secondary education Transcripts (DS, academic transcripts, records) Certified translations ________________ Is it enough to make a recognition decision? - NO
Information sources Individual contacts and Networks (ENIC) Published sources Unpublished sources
Networks International Networks –ENIC and NARIC –ENQA (European Network for Quality Assurance –EAIE (European Network of International Education) professional section ACE (Admission officers and credential Evaluators) –NAFSA: Association of International Educators
Networks AACRAO (American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers) – AAU (Association of African Universities) – Association of Arab Universities – Education Asia Network – AUAP (Association of Universities of Asia and Pacific) –
Contacts National Ministries of Education Quality assessment agencies Embassies Educational institutions Conferences/seminars Training courses/workshops/information days Education institutions (individual contacts with experts)
Published sources Databases (International and national) Handbooks/reference books (international and national) Periodicals Recognition conventions University catalogues Websites of educational institution Foreign Language Dictionaries
Published sources (national) Higher Education System Handbooks of higher education institutions (e.g. “Spravochnik” in RF, or “Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education” in USA) Comparison of foreign qualifications Fact sheets Country education profiles (e.g. by AEI - International Education Network/Australia; ECE - Educational Credential Evaluators/USA; publications of UNESCO-CEPES
Unpublished sources Internet search engine (eg “GOOGLE”) Files of previous cases Electronic mailing lists (e.g. ENIC list)
Persistent problems Too much of information Information is not structured Not well targeted information Not in widely used languages Different tasks of national ENIC offices Complications to get authoritative and up- dated information from other regions
Information provision by ENIC Information provision on education systems and on recognition is one of the core activities of the national centres in ENIC and NARIC Networks Acknowledging the need for relevant, accurant and up-to-date information, the national ENIC/NARIC office shall facilitate –a) access to accurate information on the national education systems –b) access to information on foreign education systems –c) giving information on recognition matters and assessment of qualifications
Information strategy and development ENIC/NARIC Working Party on Information Strategy ( ) Code of Good Practice in the Provision of Information (adopted in 2004 by the Networks)
Code of Good Practice Aim –to offer guidance to national ENIC/NARIC and to the Networks in fulfilling this important task. Also aims to indicate to higher education policy makers and other interested parties what might be expected of ENICs/NARICs The role of national information centre –principal provider of authoritative information on recognition higher education system and qualifications of the home country recognition of foreign qualifications in the home country foreign education systems
Code of Good Practice Standards of information provision –Provision of information that is of high quality, i.e. both accurate, adequate and relevant to the user be meaningful to the users and respond to their needs recognise that different users have different needs be accessible in terms of content, language and style terminology be up to date
Code of Good Practice Target groups –individual holders of qualification –public authorities (e.g. Ministries of Education) –quality assurance agencies –higher education institution –mobility agencies –professional organisations –other ENICs/NARICs –CREDENTIAL EVALUATORS AND RECOGNITION BODIES (in most cases)
Type of Information 1. General information on the educational system and recognition matters –provided by the national information centre through general provision - handbooks, fact sheets, training courses, website, FAQ 2. Specific information –individual request including the information or assessment of the individual qualification
Information on (I) General –educational structure –adult education and training –definitions and terminology Information on general (school) educational system Information on vocational education and training
Information on (II) Higher education system –administration and legal framework –legal acts on higher education –access qualifications –access requirements (general and specific) –admission procedure/admission of foreign students –list of recognised HEIs/programs –Description on levels/stages. Degree structure –qualifications framework (list of qualifications, learning outcomes) –evaluation and marking system –credit system (if applicable) –quality assurance –samples of credentials
Information on (III) Information on evaluation and recognition –nationla regulation of recognition of foreign qualifications –description of national ENIC/NARIC activities –appeal procedure –list of competent authorities –implementation of international instruments Other information –list of (higher) education related institutions