DEADLOCK DETECTION ALGORITHMS IN DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS Advanced Operating System DEADLOCK DETECTION ALGORITHMS IN DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS Team Members - Amanpreet Singh. - Chirag Shah. - Eugene Novak. - Nipun Aggarwal. - Rohit Singh CSE - 8344 Group 3
Overview Deadlocks – An Introduction. Deadlocks in Distributed Systems. First I would start off with a brief introduction to the concept of Deadlocks. I would be covering what deadlocks are and what are the causes of their occurrence. Then I would discuss the types of deadlocks that occur in distributed systems. Then in Deadlock Handling Techniques I would discuss the various ways in which we can either prevent or work around the situation of a deadlock occurrence. Finally the presentation will move on to cover the various Deadlock Detection algorithms in distributed systems. Deadlock Handling Techniques. Algorithms For Deadlock Detection in Distributed Systems. Summary. CSE - 8344
Deadlocks – An Introduction What Are DEADLOCKS ? A Blocked Process which can never be resolved unless there is some outside Intervention. So lets begin with an overview of the concept of Deadlocks. I would be keeping the discussion on this introductory slides very brief as these concepts are mostly familiar to everyone of you. So what are Deadlocks ? ‘ Any blocked process which cannot be resolved unless there is some outside intervention’. So deadlocks can be visualized as occurring where there are processes involved. These processes have some resources held by them and are waiting for some resources to fulfill their completion which are instead being held by some other blocked process. A very simple real-world example is of the two trains halted next to each other and none of them moving unless the other one moves. The allocation of the various resources to the running processes is depicted by a Resource Allocation Graph(RAG). They are used to represent the current state of a system. For Example:- Resource R1 is requested by Process P1 but is held by Process P2. CSE - 8344
Illustrating A Deadlock Wait-For-Graph (WFG) Nodes – Processes in the system Directed Edges – Wait-For blocking relation A Wait-for-Graph is the representation of the deadlock situation. In a WFG the nodes represent the processes of the system and the directed edges signifies the wait-for relation between the different nodes. A WFG is a part of the Resource Allocation Graph and is specifically used to identify the presence of deadlocks in the system. The existence of a cycle in the WFG means that there exists a deadlock in the system. In case a particular process waiting for a resource is not able to obtain it indefinitely then this situation is called starvation. Process 1 Process 2 Resource 1 Resource 2 Waits For Held By A Cycle represents a Deadlock Starvation - A process’ execution is permanently halted. CSE - 8344
Causes Of Deadlocks Mutual Exclusion – Resources being held must be in non-shareable mode. Hold n Wait – A Process is holding one resource and is waiting for another, which is held by another process. A deadlock occurs when there are four necessary conditions satisfied. They are Mutual Exclusion – The resources that are being held by the processes must be in non-shareable mode. Which means that at any given time one and only one process has access to that resource and no other process can use that resource until it has been released by that process. Hold n Wait – The situation when a given process is holding one of the resources and is waiting for another resource currently being held by another process is called Hold n Wait. No Pre-emption – Another necessary condition for deadlock to occur is that the resource being requested cannot be preempted. Circular Wait – The final required condition for a deadlock to occur is that the processes waiting for resources form a cycle. Ie the Process 1 waiting for resource from Process 2, Process 2 waiting for resource from process 3 and so on and Process N waiting for resource from process 1 making a complete cycle. No Preemption – Resource cannot be preempted even if it is being requested. Circular Wait – Presence of a cycle of waiting processes. CSE - 8344
Deadlocks in Distributed Systems Resource Deadlock Most Common. There are 2 situation that cause deadlocks – 1 – The lack of requested resource is one cause. Which is called the resource deadlock. 2 – The other type is caused due to communication, in which case the process waits for a certain message before it can proceed. Occurs due to lack of requested Resource. Communication Deadlock A Process waits for certain messages before it can proceed. CSE - 8344
Handling Deadlocks Deadlock Avoidance Only fulfill those resource requests that won’t cause deadlock in the future. Deadlock Avoidance is achieved when the system has a prior knowledge of all the resource requirements of the running processes. So when a resource is requested from the system, the system simulates the allocation of those resources and determines if the resultant state is safe. And the system fulfills only those resource requests that wont cause any deadlock. Simulate resource allocation and determine if resultant state is safe or not. Drawbacks Inefficient. Requires Prior resource requirement information for all processes. High Cost of scalability. CSE - 8344
Handling Deadlocks Deadlock Prevention Prioritize processes. Assign resources accordingly. Provide all required resources from start itself. So now lets take a look at the various deadlock handling approaches – - First approach is of deadlock prevention. In this technique all the processes are prioritized and resources are allocated to them accordingly. - The resources are allocated from the start itself. - Rules of resource allocation are made such as process P1 can not request a resource R1 unless it releases resource 2. Etc. - The major drawback of this approach is that it is inefficient because it is not scalable. Also it effects the concurrency of the system. Make Prior Rules: For Ex. – Process P1 cannot request resource R1 unless it releases resource R2. Drawbacks Inefficient and effects Concurrency. Future resource requirement unpredictable. Starvation possible. CSE - 8344
Handling Deadlocks Deadlock Detection Resource allocation with an optimistic outlook. Besides the previous 2 mentioned methods is the method of deadlock detection. In Deadlock detection we perform the resource allocation with an optimistic outlook. We periodically examine the process state and detect the presence of deadlocks and if present then break those deadlocks. The approach is generally to roll back 1 or more processes involved in the deadlock and break the dependency. Periodically examine process status. Detect then break the Deadlock. Resolution – Roll back 1 or More processes and break dependency. CSE - 8344
Deadlock Detection CONTROL ORGANIZATIONS Centralized Deadlock Detection One control node (Coordinator) maintains Global WFG and searches for cycles. Now lets delve deeper into the various approaches that are used to detect deadlocks and techniques to handle them. The deadlock detection in distributed systems exist in 3 different control organizations. They are - Centralized Deadlock Detection System. - Distributed Deadlock Detection System. - Hierarchical Deadlock Detection System. Centralized Deadlock Detection – In the centralized deadlock detection architecture there exists one Control Node or Coordinator that maintains the Global WFG and searches for the existence of cycles in them. 2. Distributed Deadlock Detection – In this architecture each node equally responsible in maintaining Global WFG and detecting Deadlocks. 3. Hierarchical Deadlock Detection – The 3rd type of architecture is of Hierarchical Deadlock Detection. In this architecture the nodes organized in a tree, where each site detects deadlocks involving only its descendants. Distributed Deadlock Detection Each node equally responsible in maintaining Global WFG and detecting Deadlocks. Hierarchical Deadlock Detection Nodes organized in a tree, where each site detects deadlocks involving only its descendants. CSE - 8344
Deadlock Detection Algorithms Centralized Deadlock Detection Ho-Ramamoorthy’s one and two phase algorithms. So now lets see what are the various types of algorithms that come under these deadlock detection control organizations. - Firstly in a centralized deadlock detection set-up “Ho-Ramamoorthy’s 1 and 2 Phase Algorithms” are used. - While under Distributed Deadlock detection approach there are 2 algorithms that are used. One is ‘Obermarck’s Path Pushing Algorithm’ and another one is ‘Chandy-Misra-Haas’ Edge Chasing Algorithm’. - Finally under hierarchical deadlock detection there are “Menasce-Muntz” and “Ho-Ramamoorthy’s” Algorithms that are used. Distributed Deadlock Detection Obermarck’s Path Pushing Algorithm. Chandy-Misra-Haas Edge Chasing algorithm. Hierarchical Deadlock Detection Menasce-Muntz Algorithm. Ho-Ramamoorthy’s Algorithm. CSE - 8344
Centralized Deadlock Detection Ho-Ramamoorthy’s 1-Phase Algorithm Each site maintains 2 Status Tables: Process Table. So lets start off with the centralized deadlock detection algorithms. The first one is Ho-Ramamoorthy’s 1-phase algorithm. As per this algorithm each of the sites of the network maintains 2 status tables. A process table and a resource table. Among these sites one of the site becomes the central control site. These central control site periodically asks for status tables from the other sites. Resource Table. One of the Sites Becomes the Central Control site. The Central Control site periodically asks for the status tables. Contd… CSE - 8344
Centralized Deadlock Detection Ho-Ramamoorthy’s 1-Phase Algorithm Contd… Control site builds WFG using the status tables. After collecting the status tables the central control site builds the WFG for the system. The control site finally analyzes the WFG and resolves the presence of any cycles. Drawbacks – This algorithm can detect Phantom Deadlocks. A phantom deadlock means the detection of a false deadlock, a deadlock that doesn’t really exist but is falsely detected. This algorithm also incurs high storage and communication costs. Control site analyzes WFG and resolves any present cycles. Shortcomings Phantom Deadlocks. High Storage & Communication Costs. CSE - 8344
Phantom Deadlocks P1 releases resource S and asks-for resource T. System A System B Here is an illustration of how phantom deadlocks can occur in distributed systems. The diagram represents 2 systems. System A and System B. System A has process P1 holding resource S and waiting for resources T which is in system B. Resource T is presently held by Process 2. Here process P1 sends 2 messages to the control site stating the release of resource S and need for resource T. So in case the message 2 ie waiting for T reaches the control site first then a cycle would be detected and it would be induced that the system has a deadlock. This false deadlock is called a phantom deadlock. P1 releases resource S and asks-for resource T. 2 Messages sent to Control Site: 1. Releasing S. 2. Waiting-for T. Message 2 arrives at Control Site first. Control Site makes a WFG with cycle, detecting a phantom deadlock. CSE - 8344
Centralized Deadlock Detection Ho-Ramamoorthy’s 2-Phase Algorithm Each site maintains a status table for processes. Resources Locked & Resources Awaited. The other centralized algorithm proposed by Ho and Ramamoorthy is the 2 phase algorithm. In this algorithm each site maintains a status table for the processes. The status table has the information of the resources that are locked and are awaited by its processes. Phase 1 – In phase 1 the control site asks for the locked and waited tables from the other sites and searches for the presence of cycles in these tables. Phase 1 Control Site periodically asks for these Locked & Waited tables. It then searches for presence of cycles in these tables. Contd… CSE - 8344
Centralized Deadlock Detection Ho-Ramamoorthy’s 2-Phase Algorithm Contd… Phase 2 If cycles are found in phase 1 search, Control site makes 2nd request for the tables. Phase 2 – Then in phase 2 the control site looks for the cycles found in phase 1 and makes a 2nd request for the tables. The details that are found common in both the table requests are then analyzed for the cycle confirmation. In this algorithm too there are chances of detecting phantom deadlocks thus making it not a completely accurate algorithm. The details found common in both table requests will be analyzed for cycle confirmation. Shortcomings Phantom Deadlocks. CSE - 8344
Distributed Deadlock Detection Obermarck’s Path-Pushing Algorithm Individual Sites maintain local WFG A virtual node ‘x’ exists at each site. Now lets look at deadlock detection in distributed scenario. Obermarck’s path pushing algorithm is the one that is used for deadlock detection in distributed system architecture. In distributed architectures any of the sites can play the role of the control site. In this approach each site maintains a local Wait-For Graph. A virtual node exists at each site that represents external processes. Detection Process – When the deadlock detection process begins the site Sn collects the WFG from all other sites. In case a cycle is found at Site Sn which doesn’t involve the external node ‘x’ it means the deadlock exists. This deadlock exists within the site Sn itself. While in case there exists a cycle involving ‘x’ it signifies a possibility of a deadlock. Node ‘x’ represents external processes. Detection Process Case 1: If Site Sn finds a cycle not involving ‘x’ -> Deadlock exists. Case 2: If Site Sn finds a cycle involving ‘x’ -> Deadlock possible. Contd… CSE - 8344
Obermarck’s Path-Pushing Algorithm If Case 2 -> Site Sn sends a message containing its detected cycles to other sites. All sites receive the message, update their WFG and re-evaluate the graph. Now, this site Sn sends a message to other sites, the message contains the detected cycles.Now each site update their WFG and evaluate the resource graph. For each site if there exists a cycle not involving x it would mean that a deadlock exists. While if the cycle exists involving ‘x’ then it forwards the message to other sites. This process is continued until a deadlock is found. Detection of phantom deadlocks is a limitation of this technique too. Phantom deadlocks are detected in this technique because the different sites take asynchronous snapshot of the WFG status. Consider Site Sj receives the message: Site Sj checks for local cycles. If cycle found not involving ‘x’ (of Sj) -> Deadlock exists. If site Sj finds cycle involving ‘x’ it forwards the message to other sites. Process continues till deadlock found. CSE - 8344
Distributed Deadlock Detection Chandy-Misra-Haas Edge Chasing algorithm. The blocked process sends ‘probe’ message to the resource holding process. This Algorithm uses a probe message to detect the presence of cycles. The blocked process sends the probe message. The message contains three variables. The Id of the blocked process, Id of the process sending the message and the Id of the process to which the message was sent. When the probe is received by the blocked process it forwards it to the processes holding the requested resources. If the blocked process receives it own probe it means that a cycle exists and hence the deadlock also exists. ‘Probe’ message contains: ID of blocked process. ID of process sending the message. ID of process to which the message was sent. When probe is received by blocked process it forwards it to processes holding the requested resources. If Blocked Process receives its own probe -> Deadlock Exists. CSE - 8344
Hierarchical Deadlock Detection Menasce-Muntz Algorithm Sites (controllers) organized in a tree structure. Leaf controllers manage local WFG. Now lets move on to the hierarchical Deadlock detection algorithms. - Menasce-Muntz Algorithm In this algorithm the sites are organized in a tree like structure. The leaf controllers manage the WFGs. While the parent of the leaves ie the upper controllers manage the deadlock detection. In this each parent node maintains a Global WFG, which is a union of WFG’s of its children. The Global WFG’s and their outcomes are propagated upwards in the tree. Upper controllers handle Deadlock Detection. Each Parent node maintains a Global WFG, union of WFG’s of its children. Deadlock detected for its children. Changes propagated upwards in the tree. CSE - 8344
Hierarchical Deadlock Detection Ho-Ramamoorthy’s Algorithm Sites grouped into clusters. Periodically 1 site chosen as central control site: Central control site chooses controls site for other clusters. In this algorithm the various sites are grouped into clusters. Periodically 1 site is chosen as the central control site. Now this central control sites chooses control sites for other clusters. The control sites of each cluster collect the status graphs for their respective cluster. Within each cluster the Ho-Ramamoorthy’s centralized Deadlock Detection algorithm is applied. The status reports from each of the clusters are sent to the Central Control Site. The Central Control Site combines the WFG from all control sites and performs the cycle search. Control site for each cluster collects the status graph there: Ho-Ramamoorthy’s 1-phase algorithm centralized DD algorithm used. All control sites forward status report to Central Control site which combines the WFG and performs cycle search. CSE - 8344
Summary Centralized Deadlock Detection Algorithms Large communication overhead. Coordinator is performance bottleneck. So to summarize I would like to make a brief analysis on the different architecture types of Deadlock Detection algorithms. The centralized deadlock algorithms are not a very common and effective method as they incur large communication overhead. Also as this type depends on a Central Control Site so it represents over-reliability on a single node. Hence any degradation in performance in the central coordinator would become a performance bottleneck for the whole system. And also there is a possibility of failure of the control site thus jeopardizing the whole system. The distributed deadlock detection algorithms are better than to centralized ones to an extent as they solve the problem of single point of control. But they are highly complex to implement. Besides they still are not able to solve the issue of phantom deadlocks. The most common model in use today are the Hierarchical architectures. They are also the most efficient and solve the problems that are faced in other approaches. Possibility of single point of failure. Distributed Deadlock Detection Algorithms High Complexity. Detection of phantom deadlocks possible. Hierarchical Deadlock Detection Algorithms Most Common. Efficient. CSE - 8344
“Choose the least general technique - which is still general enough to solve the problem”. Edgar Knapp. At last I would like to say that one should choose the least general technique which is still general enough to solve the problem. So depending on the type of distributed system one has the decision can be made on the deadlock detection architecture. THANK YOU