FIRST CONTACT Jacques Cartier sent by France to find new lands where gold could be found – Explored the Bay of Chaleur and the Gaspe Bay and erected a large cross claiming the land for New France
FIRST CONTACT- IMPACTS Cartier’s cross upset the Natives living at Stadacona (now Quebec City) – Cartier told the Native people that the cross only served as a navigational guide – Cartier took two of the Native chiefs sons back to France – He returned two years later after the sons told stories of great riches in Stadacona
FIRST CONTACT- IMPACTS 1570s- Martin Frobisher looked for Northwest passage to China and brought back huge amounts of gold (proved to be false)
FIRST CONTACT- IMPACTS Clash Of Cultures – Europeans viewed Aboriginals as savages and uncivilized – Aboriginals saw Europeans as helpless novices, ill equipped to survive in North America – Each group believed they were superior to the other
FIRST CONTACT- IMPACTS Trade and Cultural Change – Europeans believed they had a trade advantage trading cheap goods (alcohol) for valuable furs. – Aboriginals were more than happy to trade furs for technologically advanced products like axes and knives. – Trade changed Aboriginal culture dramatically
FIRST CONTACT-IMPACTS Conflict Over Spirituality – Native people embraced spirituality and a wide range of beliefs based on maintaining harmony between spiritual and material world – Imposition of Christianity by Europeans was met with skepticism, especially as those who preached brought disease – Europeans saw Native religion as barbaric