Task 2 Create Your Competition Entry Guidance Notes
TASK 2 Task 2A: To create your final product you will need to: 1.Source your images 2.Choose software 3.Set image size and resolution with consideration for pixel dimensions and dpi 4.Use tools and techniques to edit and enhance image(s). Explain the choice of software used to meet the requirements of the competition entry and your choice of image size and/or resolution. Task 2B: Evaluate your competition entry and highlight the merits and drawbacks of your images. Task 3A: You will need to store your files, so they can be easily located. Task 3B: Present your final product for the competition entry in an appropriate format.
To reach your Target Grade.. MUST You MUST be able to describe how you designed the advert with some evidence. All above and SHOULD You SHOULD be able to provide detailed descriptions with evidence on how you designed your advert. All above and COULD You COULD be able to include evidence and descriptions of all the steps in designing a high quality and attractive advert. PASS MERIT DISTINCTION
File Size: 58,400 KB
When you are evaluating your advert consider the following evaluation criteria. Consider their suitability for the subject, their style, proportion, arrangement and colour. Could any of these be improved upon by making any adjustments. Evaluate your competition entry Task 2B Test ElementTest Results and Comments Aesthetic appeal File Size Layout Is the advert pixelated? Image quality Effectiveness to fulfill its purpose
Evaluate your competition entry Task 2B Aesthetic appeal It's the factor that you would observe once you come into visual contact with the design. Factors that are included are the font (its type and size), colours, images and the layout.
Evaluate your competition entry Task 2B Aesthetic appeal it's the factor that you would observe once you come into visual contact with the design. Factors that are included are the font (its type and size), colours, images and the layout.
File size Are you designing the image for web or to print? How does the file size effect this? If the file size is too large, it will affect the downloading speed. The smaller the file size the lower the quality of the image. File size Quality Evaluate your competition entry Task 2B
Layout The combination of images and fonts. Consider the proportions, arrangement, alignment, and colour relationships of the various elements in your design. Evaluate your competition entry Task 2B
Pixelation Pixelation is an effect caused by displaying a bitmap at a such a large size that individual pixels, are visible to the eye. Evaluate your competition entry Task 2B
Evaluate your competition entry Task 2B Image Quality The image quality will be low in images with distortions or artifacts.
Evaluate your competition entry Task 2B Effectiveness to fulfill its purpose What is the purpose of the design? If it is for marketing, you'd need to evaluate the design based on its effectiveness as a marketing tool. Does it appeal to its target audience (for example, does it use words, images, colours that the target audience commonly relates to)?
To reach your Target Grade.. MUST You MUST be able to evaluate your advert using some evaluation criteria. All above and SHOULD You SHOULD be able to evaluate your advert using many evaluation criteria with appropriate descriptions for each. All above and COULD You COULD be able to describe how your advert meets the evaluation criteria and how to improve. PASS MERIT DISTINCTION