2015 Summit Nick Malik CAEAP
2015 Summit 2004 – Mitre publishes a paper titled EABOK 2010 – FEAPO places EABOK on our roadmap 2012 – Nick co-founds EABOK initiative with LinkedIn collaborators. Nick buys “EABOK.ORG” domain name 2012 – Brian negotiates FEAPO-Mitre Joint Venture. Mitre registers EABOK as a trademark. Nick puts LinkedIn Venture on ice – FMO’s leave Mitre joint venture 2014 – Nick proposes community owned content model, develops POC 2015 – Mitre halts POC, reorganizes EABOK to sole ownership model. Nick relinquishes “EABOK.ORG” domain name and steps down
2015 Summit Set up PAP, Charter, Goals Set up membership, governance, approach Create a new name (called EA Guide in this presentation) Set up of collaboration software and online site Develop Stable version Open to pubic and continuously improve
2015 Summit Facilitated session Round robin callout What role should the EA Guide play Who will use it What are our goals Create a Vision Statement Each person write a vision statement on the flip-chart Group discussion Shared vision
2015 Summit Directive Approach Community Approach Central team decides on the sections that are needed Carefully selected authors Assigns sections to volunteers and teams Project management of the development effort Managed review of deliverables by other team members Central team creates outline Authors volunteer, accepted with limited screening Calls for volunteers to self-select sections and edit Review of sections developed and shared presentations Open to vetted community during development process
2015 Summit Models from FMO development of BOKs Unique aspect to FEAPO FMO participation FMO collaboration across BOKs Unique FEAPO value add Discussion of community vs. directive models Will we vet authors? Will we charge for access to the BOK? Can it be printed?
2015 Summit Nick owns “EAHANDBOOK.COM” and “EABOK-SANDBOX.ORG” Both are running Drupal Names need to be something where we can get the domain name for them readily Variations currently available FEAPO-eaguide.com EA.guide EAguide.org and EAguide.net EA-Knowledge.com and EA-Knowledge.org Book-of-EA.com and Book-of-EA.org
2015 Summit Vanguard EA will sponsor the initiative and cover the costs of hosting the site / any site design and maint costs Demonstration of Drupal site set up for EABOK-Sandbox.org Many open source options are available DrupalDotNetNukeMambo WikimediaJoomlaMODx WordpressSilverstripePligg
2015 Summit Where will the authors come from? What’s our plan for collaboration with FMO efforts? What about FMO “behind the paywall” issues? What level of completeness is needed before we invite “casual browsers”
2015 Summit Ongoing sponsorship Ongoing contribution Ongoing collaboration
2015 Summit Action items Vision and Goals Selected approach and team