Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 1 Partner Logo EDG WP4 (fabric mgmt): status&plans Large Cluster Computing Workshop FNAL, 22/10/2002 Olof Bärring
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 2 Outline u What’s “EDG” and “WP4” ?? u Recap from LCCWS 2001 u Architecture design and the ideas behind… u Subsystem status&plans&issues n Configuration mgmt n Installation mgmt n Monitoring n Fault tolerance n Resource mgmt n Gridification u Conclusions
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 3 “EDG” == EU DataGrid project u Project started 1/1/2001 and ends 31/12/2003 u 6 principal contractors: CERN, CNRS, ESA-ESRIN, INFN, NIKHEF/FOM, PPARC u 15 assistant contractors u ~150FTE u u 12 workpackages
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 4 “WP” == workpackage EDG WPs u WP1: Workload Management u WP2: Grid Data Management u WP3: Grid Monitoring Services u WP4: Fabric management u WP5: Mass Storage Management u WP6: Integration Testbed – Production quality International Infrastructure u WP7: Network Services u WP8: High-Energy Physics Applications u WP9: Earth Observation Science Applications u WP10: Biology Science Applications u WP11: Information Dissemination and Exploitation u WP12: Project Management This is what I’m gonna talk about today
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 5 WP4: main objective “To deliver a computing fabric comprised of all the necessary tools to manage a center providing grid services on clusters of thousands of nodes.” User job management (Grid and local) Automated management of large clusters
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 6 WP4: structure u ~14 FTEs (6 funded by the EU). Presently split over ~ people u 6 partners: CERN, NIKHEF, ZIB, KIP, PPARC, INFN u The development work divided into 6 subtasks
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 7 Recap from LCCWS-1 EDG WP4 presentations in LCCWS-1 //-sessions SessionWhat we saidWhat happened InstallationPlans for using the LCFG tool from Edinburgh Univ. as an interim installation/maintenance system LCFG in production on EDG testbed since 12 months. Will be replaced by new system 2Q03. MonitoringPEM vs. WP4. Design for node autonomy where possible System deployed on EDG testbed since one month GridEarly architecture design ideas and development plans up to Sept Architecture design refined and adopted. Delivery OK. Not everything worked smoothly n Architecture design: had to reach consensus between partners with different agendas and motivations. n Delivered software: we learned some lessons and had taken some uncomfortable decisions
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 8 Architecture design and the ideas behind u Information model. Configuration is distinct from monitoring n Configuration == desired state (what we want) n Monitoring == actual state (what we have) u Aggregation of configuration information n Good experience with LCFG concepts with central configuration template hierarchies u Node autonomy. Resolve local problems locally if possible n Cache node configuration profile and local monitoring buffer u Scheduling of intrusive actions u Plug-in authorization and credential mapping
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 9 DataGrid Architecture Collective Services Information & Monitoring Replica Manager Grid Scheduler Local Application Local Database Underlying Grid Services Computing Element Services Authorization Authentication and Accounting Replica Catalog Storage Element Services SQL Database Services Fabric services Configuration Management Configuration Management Node Installation & Management Node Installation & Management Monitoring and Fault Tolerance Monitoring and Fault Tolerance Resource Management Fabric Storage Management Fabric Storage Management Grid Fabric Local Computing Grid Grid Application Layer Data Management Job Management Metadata Management Object to File Mapping Service Index WP4 tasks
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 10 Farm A (LSF)Farm B (PBS ) Grid User (Mass storage, Disk pools) Local User Installation & Node Mgmt Configuration Management Monitoring & Fault Tolerance Fabric Gridification Resource Management Grid Info Services (WP3) WP4 subsystems Other Wps Resource Broker (WP1) Data Mgmt (WP2) Grid Data Storage (WP5) WP4 Architecture logical overview - Interface Grid-wide services with local fabric - Provides local authorization and mapping of grid credentials. - Interface Grid-wide services with local fabric - Provides local authorization and mapping of grid credentials. - provides transparent access (both job and admin) to different cluster batch systems - enhanced capabilities (extended scheduling policies, advanced reservation, local accounting) - provides transparent access (both job and admin) to different cluster batch systems - enhanced capabilities (extended scheduling policies, advanced reservation, local accounting) -provides a central storage and management of all fabric configuration information -Compile HLD templates to LLD node profiles - central DB and set of protocols and APIs to store and retrieve information -provides a central storage and management of all fabric configuration information -Compile HLD templates to LLD node profiles - central DB and set of protocols and APIs to store and retrieve information - provides the tools to install and manage all software running on the fabric nodes -Agent to install, upgrade, remove and configure software packages on the nodes -bootstrap services and software repositories - provides the tools to install and manage all software running on the fabric nodes -Agent to install, upgrade, remove and configure software packages on the nodes -bootstrap services and software repositories - provides the tools for gathering monitoring information on fabric nodes -central measurement repository stores all monitoring information - fault tolerance correlation engines detect failures and trigger recovery actions - provides the tools for gathering monitoring information on fabric nodes -central measurement repository stores all monitoring information - fault tolerance correlation engines detect failures and trigger recovery actions
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 11 User job management (Grid and local) Farm A (LSF)Farm B (PBS ) Grid User (Mass storage, Disk pools) Local User Monitoring Fabric Gridification Resource Management Grid Info Services (WP3) WP4 subsystems Other Wps Resource Broker (WP1) Data Mgmt (WP2) Grid Data Storage (WP5) - Submit job - Optimized selection of site -Authorization -Map grid local credentials -Authorization -Map grid local credentials -Select an optimal batch queue and submit -Return job status and output -Select an optimal batch queue and submit -Return job status and output - publish resource and accounting information
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 12 Automated management of large clusters WP4 subsystems Other Wps Farm A (LSF)Farm B (PBS ) Installation & Node Mgmt Configuration Management Monitoring & Fault Tolerance Resource Management Information Invocation - Update configuration templates - Node malfunction detected -Remove node from queue -Wait for running jobs(?) -Remove node from queue -Wait for running jobs(?) - Trigger repair - Repair (e.g. restart, reboot, reconfigure, …) - Node OK detected -Put back node in queue Automation
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 13 Node autonomy Cfg cache Monitoring Buffer Correlation engines Node mgmt components Monitoring Measurement Repository Configuration Data Base Central (distributed) Buffer copy Cache Node profile Local recover if possible (e.g. restarting daemons) Automation
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 14 ClientServer XML HLDL PAN DBM Notification + Transfer Low Level API Access API Components Template Subtasks: configuration management
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 15 # TEST Linux system #################################### object template TEST_i386_rh72; "/system/platform" = "i386_rh72"; "/system/network/interfaces/0/ip" = “ "; "/system/network/hostname" = “myhost"; include node_profile; # Default node profile #################################### template node_profile; # Include validation functions ############################## include functions; # Include basic type definitions ################################ include hardware_types; include system_types; include software_types; # Include default configuration data #################################### include default_hardware; include default_system; include default_software; # SYSTEM: Default configuration ######################### template default_system; # Include default system configuration ###################################### include default_users; include default_network; include default_filesystems; # SYSTEM: Default network configuration ################################### template default_network; "/system/network" = value("//network_" + value("/system/platform") + "/network"); Configuration templates like this …
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° <nlist name="profile" derivation="TEST_i386_rh72,node_profile,functions,hardware_types,… ….. - i386_rh72 - <nlist name="network“ derivation="TEST_i386_rh72,default_network,network_i386_rh72,std_network“ type="record"> myhost - - eth true ….. … generate XML profile like this u Description of the High Level Definition Language (HLDL), the compiler and the Low Level Definition Language (LLDL) can be found at:
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 17 Global configuration schema tree hardware systemsoftware CPUharddiskmemory…. sys_nameinterface_typesize…. networkplatformpartitionsservices…. hda1 sizetypeid hda2…. packagesknown_repositoriesedg_lcas …. versionrepositories…. cluster …. Component specific configuration The population of the global schema is an ongoing activity i386_rh72
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 18 Subtask: installation management u Node Configuration Deployment u Base system installation u Software Package Management
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 19 ClientServer XML HLDL PAN DBM Notification + Transfer Low Level API Access API Component Template Node configuration deployment
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 20 Node configuration deployment infrastructure server client Node View Access (NVA) API DBM Cache Invocation registration & notification XML profiles Component libs SUE sysmgt Logging Template processor Monitoring interface Configure() “low level” API Configuration Dispatch daemon (cdispd) Component
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 21 Component example sub Configure { my ($self) # access configuration information my $config=NVA::Config->new(); my $arch=$config->getValue('/system/platform’); # low-level API $self->Fail (“not supported") unless ($arch eq ‘i386_rh72’); # (re)generate and/or update local config file(s) open (myconfig,’/etc/myconfig’); … # notify affected (SysV) services if required if ($changed) { system(‘/sbin/service myservice reload’); … }
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 22 Base Installation and Software Package management u Use of standard tools u Base installation n Generation of kickstart or jumpstart files from node profile u Software package management n Framework with pluggable packager s rpm s pkg s ?? n It can be configured to respect locally installed packages, ie. it can be used for managing only a subset of packages on the node (useful for desktops)
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 23 Software Package Management (SPM) rpmt Repository packages SPM Packages (RPM, pkg) RPM db Local Config file Transaction set filesystem Package files HTTP(S), NFS, FTP Installed pkgs “desired” configuration SPM Component
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 24 Installation (&configuration): status u LCFG (Local Configuration) tool from Univ. of Edinburgh has been in production at the EDG testbed since more than 12 months n Learned a lot from it to understand what we really want n Used at almost all EDG testbed sites very valuable feedback from a large O(5-10) group of site admins u Disadvantages with LCFG n Enforces a private per component configuration schema n High level language lacks possibilities to attach compile time validation n Maintains propriety solutions where standards exist (e.g. base installation) u New developments progress well and complete running system is expected by April 2003
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 25 Subtask: fabric monitoring u Framework for n Collecting monitoring information from sensors running on the nodes n Store the information in a local buffer s Assures that data is collected and stored even if network is down s Allows for local fault tolerance n Transports the data to a central repository database s Allows for global correlations and fault tolerance s Facilitate generation of periodic resource utilisation reports u Status: framework deployed on EDG testbed. Enhancements will come n Oracle DB repository backend. MySQL and/or PostgreSQL also planned n GUIs: alarm display and data analysis
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 26 Fabric monitoring Sensor Agent Cache Repository server DB Application Sensor API Cache used by local fault tolerance Native DB API (e.g. SQL) Repository API (SOAP RPC) Transport (UDP or TCP) Nodes Server node Desktop Repository API (Local access)
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 27 Subtask: fault tolerance u Framework consists of n Rule editor s Enter metric correlation algorithms and bind them to actions (actuators) n Correlation engines implements the rules s Subscribe to the defined set of input metrics s Detect exception conditions determined by the correlation algorithms and report to the monitoring system (exception metric) s Try out the action(s) and report back the success/failure to the monitoring system (action metric) n Actuators s Plug-in modules (scripts/programs) implementing the actions n Status: first prototype expected by mid-November 2002
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 28 Subtask: resource management u Manage grid jobs and local jobs. Layer between grid scheduler and local batch system. Allows for enhancing scheduling capabilities if necessary n Advanced reservations n Priorities u Provides common API for administrating underlying batch system n Scheduling of maintenance jobs n Draining node/queues from batch jobs u Status: prototype exists since a couple of months. Not yet deployed on EDG testbed.
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 29 queues resources Batch system: PBS, LSF, etc. Scheduler Runtime Control System Grid Local fabric Gatekeeper (Globus or WP4) job 1 job 2 job n JM 1JM 2JM n schedule d jobs new jobs user queue 2 execution queue stopped, visible for usersstarted, invisible for users submit user queue 1 get job info mov e move job exec job RMS components PBS-, LSF-Cluster Globus components Resource management prototype (R1.3)
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 30 Subtask: gridification u Layer between local fabric and the grid n Local Centre Authorisation Service, LCAS s Framework for local authorisation based on grid certificate and resource specification (job description) s Allows for authorisation plug-ins to extend the basic set of authorisation policies (gridmap file, user ban lists, wall-clock time) n Local Credential Mapping Service, LCMAPS s Framework for mapping authorised user’s grid certificates onto local credentials s Allows for credential mapping plug-ins. Basic set should include uid mapping and AFS token mapping n Job repository n Status: LCAS deployed in May LCMAPS and job repository expected 1Q03.
Olof Bärring – EDG WP4 status&plans- 22/10/ n° 31 Conclusions u Since last LCCWS we have learned a lot n We do have an architecture and a plan to implement it n Development work is progressing well n Adopting LCFG as interim solution was a good thing s Experience and feedback with a real tool helps in digging out what people really want s Forces middleware providers and users to respect some rules when delivering software s Automated configuration has become an important for implementing quality assurance in EDG n Internal and external coordination with other WPs and projects result in significant overhead n Sociology is an issue (see next 30 slides…)