Is Recycling Worth It? By: Sue Nam and Kristine Domingo
Outline zLandfills & Recycling. zGood business or bad? zPros and Cons of Recycling. zSaving disposal capacity. zConserving natural resources. zDoes recycling save disposable capacity? zHow you can help.
Landfills & Recycling zAccording to an article, Recycling is Garbage, it says that landfills are extremely expensive and environmentally harmful. Removing newspapers, junk mails, and juice containers are not going to make landfills anymore better.
Good Business or Bad? zRecycling creates employment. At the NC Recycling Business Assistance Center, it is estimated that fifteen jobs are created for every 1,000 tons of electronics recycled.
Does recycling really help our environment? zRecycling actually helps our environment in many ways. zIt reduces greenhouse gas emissions by about 2 million metric tons of carbon equivalent.
Is it safe? z Rechargeable batteries contain many harmful chemicals and should be disposed safely at your local Staples or Office Depot. zToxic elements in the wastes are disposed safely. zCompanies like Green Citizen makes sure all toxic wastes are removed.
Does it harm or help? zRecycling is more helpful than harmful. zWhen we do not recycle things like cell-phones, tires, and electronics, the toxic materials could be released into the air or the ground.
Does recycling save disposable capacity? zRecycling and waste reduction can help to minimize the overall amount of trash that is needed to be burned or buried. New land fills are expensive to build.
How you can help! zAnybody can make a difference by recycling. Many people believe environmental problems have become so complex that they believe they can not help to make any differences. Some problems may be beyond our hands, but things like recycling activities and waste reductions can make a difference. zRecycling saves natural resources, recycling saves energy, and best of all, recycling helps our environment. zYou can recycle paper, newspaper, bottles, cans, plastics, batteries, ink cartridge, etc.
Bibliography zhttp:// zhttp:// nts/web_files/cs_csrecyclingframe.hcsphttp:// nts/web_files/cs_csrecyclingframe.hcsp zhttp:// zHarlow, Rosie. Garbage and Recycling. Kingfisher Publications zVan Beukering, Pieter J.H. Recycling, International Trade and the Environment: An Impirical Analysis.