Business 86, Medical Terminology Week 11 Overview Getting ready for musculoskeletal test using pg. 107 in the syllabus Chapter’s 12 and 13 take home review testing using pgs and (book) Medical Language Lab Midterm
Business 86, Medical Terminology Page 107 in syllabus Review of musculoskeletal system Name the four types of bones Name the parts of the long bones List the two divisions of the skeletal system What is a joint? Describe fractures- open and closed What is phantom limb pain? Define: scoliosisarthrodesis kyphosisarthroscopy lordosispatellapexy osteoplastymyelocele
Business 86, Medical Terminology osteomalacialaminectomy ankylosiscarpal calcaneodyniaparaplegia myosclerosishemiplegia pelvimetryosteoporosis chondritistendonitis quadriplegiaphalanges C-1T-1 L-1AK/AKA BK/BKAortho
Business 86, Medical Terminology Midterm Good Luck!
Business 86, Medical Terminology Label the Following
Business 86, Medical Terminology Label the Following
Business 86, Medical Terminology A. On a separate sheet of paper define the following colp/oprostat/o-graphy-pexy gynec/osalping/o-ia-plasia hemat/ospermat/o-ism-plasm hyster/otest/o-itis-plasty mamm/ovagin/o-lith-rrhaphy mast/ovas/o-logist-rrhea men/ovulv/o-logy-scope muc/o-algia-megaly-scopy nat/o-cele-oid-tome olig/o-ectomy-omadys- oophor/o-genesis-pathyhyper- orchi/oneo-
Business 86, Medical Terminology B. Using the above summary of elements, build medical words meaning: 1. An instrument used to view the fallopian tubes 2. Excision of the uterus 3. Hernia of the uterus 4. Inflammation of the vagina 5. A tumor of the ovary 6. Surgical repair of a fallopian tube 7. Suture of the vagina 8. Resembling mucus 9. Surgical fixation of the vagina 10. The study of blood 11. Inflammation of the vulva
Business 86, Medical Terminology 12. Painful of difficult menstrual flow 13. Fixation of a breast 14. Pain in the breast 15. The visual examination of the vagina and cervix using a magnifying scope 16. A specialist who treats newborn infants 17. Inflammation of the ovaries
Business 86, Medical Terminology 18. X-ray exam of the breast 19. Instrument for incising the uterus 20. A specialist in the study of female disorders 21. A calculus in the spermatic duct 22. Surgical repair of the testicle 23. Excessive increase in the number of cells in an organ 24. Enlargement of the prostate gland 25. Production of a scanty amount of sperm 26. A new growth 27. A surgical sterilization procedure that involves cutting off and closing a portion of the vas deferens 28. The formation of sperm 29. Pain in a vessel 30. Disease of the testes
Business 86, Medical Terminology ABBREVIATIONS Hgb Hct PID TAH c BSO D&C GU
REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM ELEMENTS (use with your textbook for CD-Rom) ElementMeaning andr/omale cervic/oneck, cervix uteri colp/o, vagin/ovagina gynec/owoman, female hemat/o, hem/oblood hyster/o, metr/outerus lapar/oabdomen mast/o, mamm/obreast men/omenses menstruation muc/omucus nat/obirth, born oophor/oovary
Business 86, Medical Terminology ELEMENTSMEANING orchi/o, orchid/o, test/otestis, testicle perine/operineum prostat/oprostate gland salping/ofallopian tube spermat/osperm vas/ovas deferens, vessel -al, -ic, -ouspertaining to -celehernia, swelling -genesisproducing, forming -graphyprocess of recording -gravidapregnant woman -logistspecialist in the study of -logystudy of -oidresembling -parato bear-live birth
Business 86, Medical Terminology ELEMENTMEANING -pexyfixation -plasia, plasmformation, growth -ptosisprolapse, falling, dropping -rrhage, -rrhagiabursting forth (of) -rrheaflow discharge -scopeinstrument to view -scopyvisual examination -spasminvoluntary contraction, twitching -tociachildbirth hyper-excessive neo-new para-near, beside, beyond post-after pre-before
Business 86, Medical Terminology Homework Study for Musculoskeletal test pg. 107 (syllabus) next week’s test Complete pgs , 112 (syllabus) 2 reproductive crossword puzzles (handout), and take home testing for chapters 12 and 13 Complete pgs and (book) Term Plus Female and Male Reproduction-TE and MV *NOTE- to complete the work in the syllabus, puzzles and take home testing you will need to use pgs and (book) and pg. 111 (syllabus) ALL HOMEWORK FROM CHAPTERS 12 AND 13 IS DUE ON WEEK 14