DEFENCE OF O RAL FELLOWSHIP E XAMINATION S. L. Pitmang Department of Family Medicine Jos University Teaching Hospital
I NTRODUCTION Part I & II are the same Timing is the only difference 30 minutes for part I 60 minutes for Part II Content Methodology
O BJECTIVES OF THE O RALS To assess the candidate’s knowledge and skills in Family Medicine. To assess the efficient use of resources in the management of patients. To assess the candidate’s understanding of his role in health promotion and education.
To assess the candidate’s understanding of the impact of ill health on the family, and vice versa. To assess his commitment to follow up and continuing care of his patients. To assess his desire for continuing medical education in patient care.
To assess his attitude towards his patients and their family and the community at large. To assess his practical knowledge of the organization and management of health services including administration in a hospital or clinic-based practice.
A REA OF ASSESSMENT Clinical skills Use of resources The patient as part of family and community Continuing Medical Education Admin/Organization of health services
C LINICAL S KILLS Management of given clinical situation Follow up and continuity of care
U SE OF R ESOURCES Appropriate use of investigations Rational prescribing and rational drug use Use of hospital supplies
T HE PATIENT AS A PART OF A FAMILY AND COMMUNITY Psychosocial aspect of patient care Home based care Role in health promotion, disease prevention, treatment, limitation of disability and rehabilitation
C ONTINUING M EDICAL E DUCATION Use of library, Internet, medical informatics Interest and commitment to research in Family Medicine Ability to train others
A DMIN /O RGANIZATION OF HEALTH SERVICES Personnel (human resources) management Interaction with other members of the health team Finances and budget Procurement and supplies Health management information systems Setting up and running a health facility
D EFENSE OF DISSERTATION / CASEBOOK Every dissertation/Casebook presented for the FMCFM Part II examination is read and assessed independently by two examiners.
1. Layout of the book: Does the length (no. of pages) conform to that recommended by the Faculty? 2. Use of English: Clarity and style. Spelling and grammar. Sentence and paragraph structure. IN TRODUCTION
P RELIMINARY PAGES These should be numbered with small Roman numerals i. Title page: This should include the author, the name and address of the training institution, and the name and qualification of the Medical Doctor. ii. Preface and Acknowledgement iii. Dedication (if any). iv. Certification. Signed by the Supervisor(s) and Medical Director or Director of Training to certify that the book is the author’s person work
i. Table of contents ii. List of tables iii. List of Figures iv. Appendices Summary: The text proper begins. The pages are numbered with ordinary numerals starting with page 1. The summary should be about 200 to 500 words, and should include the study objectives and main conclusions
TITLE Is the subject relevant to Family Medicine in Nigeria? Does the title fit what is presented in the entire dissertation?
I NTRODUCTION Has the subject of study been adequately introduced? Have relevant terms/issues been adequately defined?
L ITERATURE REVIEW Adequacy & relevance of literature search. Use of Nigerian & African literature. Critical review of literature cited.
A IM & O BJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Clarity. Feasibility with study design.
M ATERIALS AND M ETHODS Compliance with approved synopsis Appropriateness to meet stated objectives Study population clearly defined. Determination of sample size. Sampling method, including selection (inclusion and exclusion) criteria.
R ESULTS Style of presentation. Method of data analysis and choice of statistical instrument. Appropriate use of Tables, Figures, and Illustrations.
D ISCUSSION Correctness of interpretation of results. Use of existing literature (Nigeria & International) to discuss the findings.
C ONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Are conclusions justified by the study? Appropriateness of recommendations for Family Medicine in Nigeria
R EFERENCES Scope & Relevance. Vancouver style of referencing. Date since publication. Spot checks can be made on some of the references.
T IPS /H INTS Read wide Do you work conscientiously Be confident Dress well Avoid mannerism
C ONCLUSION Work hard Pray hard and ask God for wisdom Heaven help those who help themselves
REFERENCES Residents Handbook, Faculty of Family Medicine, National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria pg