Kiyona Prater Daquaya Davis Tamara Bingham Alexis Lewis “Rock Freeze or Melt” Kiyona Prater Daquaya Davis Tamara Bingham Alexis Lewis
How do you classify rocks? Igneous rocks holes in it texture Feeling Mineralogy Metamorphic rock crystals texture Band or layered looking Sedimentary rock shell fragments (fossils) Very fine grains Texture Feel gritty Compacted layers
Rock cycle Igneous rock Metamorphic rock depends on the magma is shape Sedimentary rocks Depends on how incredible the weather and erosion was Metamorphic rock depends on how incredible the heat and pressure was. There are so many way to start a rock cycle For example, sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rock but the most logical way is starting with igneous rock like rock cycle is showing.
Igneous rock Form when magma cools slowly or quickly Igneous are called “FIRE ROCKS.” They form above or under ground. Have holes in it because of gas bubbles Extrusive means crystallization of magma at the earth surface Intrusive means crystallization of magma deep within the earth surface This is how igneous rock is form when magma or lava is cooled Here is a extrusive rock Basalt.
Metamorphic rock Metamorphic is made by either a sedimentary, igneous, and or another metamorphic rocks It is made by ton and tons of pressure and heat. Foliated rocks look band or layered non foliated rocks usually haves one mineral and DOES NOT look band or layered Metamorphism means “CHANGE AND FORM” “Morphed” means “change” This is a foliated metamorphic rock. This is a non foliated rock because it has one mineral and it does not look band or layered.
Sedimentary rock It is made by earth materials (sediments) that compact and cement and even weather and erode Have shell fragments because it get got caught in the weather and erode. Layer after layer earth materials are eroded on top of each other After they are layered they get press down till they slowly turn to rock. Here is a sedimentary rock Here is a sedimentary rock.
ROCK ALL SHAPE AND SIZES!! obsidian quartzite shale pumice conglomerate