1 Promotion Boards & Selection Process for rank during the Academic Year
Intro Objectively select most qualified cadets to fill leadership roles Selecting cadets for Regimental, Battalion, and Company level positions ALL rising Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors must submit a Cadet Qualification Briefing (CQB) Process begins 2 Nov 2015 and ends 31 Mar
CQB Submissions ALL CADETS ARE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT A CQB regardless of proficiency status Cadets who have been elected to positions (Honor Committee, Team Captains, Class President, etc.) must still submit a CQB and attend a BN Board Confirmation automatically sent to cadets when CQB submitted. CQB submissions tracked on spreadsheet and posted on website during submission period Eligible Cadets must attend a formal BN Board 3
CQB Submission must be made during the “open submission” periods – Rising Seniors & Juniors: 2 NOV – 16 DEC, 2015 – Rising Sophomores: 11 JAN – 29 FEB, 2016
Waiver Requests Gives TACs opportunity to address eligibility shortfalls Final eligibility list will be provided after fall semester complete and considers: HT/WT PT Scores GPA Academic Alignment Discipline Waiver Requests are submitted by CO TACs through the BN TAC (Template for requests is on the website) Conditionally approved waivers will be checked prior to assuming rank/position 5
BN Boards Stratify all rising JRs and SRs for Regimental selection process Officer board includes BN TAC, CO TAC, BN/CC, and CO/CC BN XO can fill-in for BN CC; CO XO or PL can fill in for CO/CC NCO board includes BN TAC, CO TAC, BN Sgt Maj, & CO 1 st Sgt 3/C Cadets assigned to the Regimental and Battalion staffs will interview in their home battalion/company RS NCOs and SGM’s will forego a BN Board and automatically appear before the Regimental Board Generates OFFICER Candidates: Top 10 from each BN (2 nd BN= 12) + 2/C cadets currently serving as RS NCOs and BN SGMs Generates NCO Candidates: Top 10 from each BN (2 nd BN-12) 6
RG Boards Compete top candidates from each BN (plus currently serving RS NCOs and BN SGMs) Officer boards comprised of Commandant, Associate Provost, ROTC Dept. Heads, Sgt Maj, (5)BN TACs, and Regimental Commander Selects Commander, XO, BN Commanders, CO Commanders, and Regimental Academic Officer NCO board members will be as directed by the Commandant Selects all 1 st SGTs and SGMs Runs 8 Feb-10 Mar 7
SGMs & 1 st Sgts Current SGMs- (those that want to compete for command) automatically move forward to the Regt Board If they compete for Company command and do not get selected for a company command or higher they have the option to be assigned a company in their current BN or return to their home company Current 1 st Sgts- if they want to compete for Company command or higher then they compete with their current company If they do not want to compete for Company command then they have the option to remain in current company or return to home company If they compete for Company command and do not make the Regt Board OML or get selected for a company command or higher then they have the option to stay where they are or return to their home company Company Selection—for both current SGMs and 1stSgts, if selected for Company Command or higher, the board has the option to retain them in current unit or reassign to another unit For those selected for 1 st Sgt/SGM the above does not apply—they will be reassigned to another BN
Corporal/Clerk Boards Company Boards will be held for all eligible rising sophomores Upon completion on the CO Boards, nominations will be sent to the BN TACs who will hold BN Corporal Boards for BN and RG Staff positions
Phase Flow Chart
Promotion Boards Website
Website Information: Information on the process and schedule Tools to help you prepare Administrative Forms Lists of cadets who have successfully submitted. These list are updated frequently for your review and verification
Cadet Qualification Brief (CQB) Practice CQB & online Submission Periods Before submitting, use this printable.pdf form to get your information together
Submitting your online CQB After you submit your online CQB, it will automatically be sent to the Promotion Boards Facilitator for processing. Refer to your printed practice CQB when submitting to optimize data organization.
Submission Confirmation After submitting, you will get a confirmation at the address you provided. Print this for your records in case there is any question as to your submission.