Computer Science (A Web Developer) Computer Information Technology (Database Administrator) Personal Career (Music Recording Engineer)
More Info: A database administrator installs and provides support for a company’s computer system. The computer system is first designed by them to fit the specific organization. These specialists can be found working in a large corporation, small corporation, or government organization. It is there duty to install and maintain the computer’s hardware systems. They are always analyzing data to determine the effectiveness of the system design for users. Salary:. The majority of the database administrators in the country earn between $51,000 and $84,000 per year. The lowest earners made an average of less than $41,000 per year. Those that make the highest salaries make in excess of $104,000 per year. Description : the database administrator is also responsible for the efficiency of the system. It is there job to make sure that all computers within an organization work together effectively. When users report a problem, the database administrator must trouble shoot to determine the source of the problems. In addition, necessary upgrades are researched and implemented by this professional. Some company’s also expect the specialist to protect the computer system against threats. nology/database-administrator-and- specialist/
More Info: Transition to the editing, recoding and also broadcasting is continuously progressing and this progress affects both radio operators and sound engineers. Computer applications have removed the need of electronic equipments which were used to perform functions of recording and editing. Salary: Description: Recording engineer is not just responsible to record audio data but he also performs editing as well as mixing of audio in such a way that it can make an audio sound as best as possible. In session of recording, he listens to audio from perspective of both technical and musical. He searches various methods for the adjustment of equipment, recording different levels and also the artist performance in a way that the resulted record sounds perfect as required. SKILLS/ Edcuation Requirements: A recording engineer should earn education from high school in related courses including physics, mathematics and electronics. After earning high schools, best approach is to get training by getting enrollment in technical community college or alternatively you can choose university program in computer networking, electronics or broadcast. Continuing education to get knowledge of emerging technologies is a good choice for all recorder engineer technicians who want to get high position in job. Degree of engineering from college is required for those who want to become chief engineer in television station. $19,877 - $72,800 g/recording-engineer-job- description.html