Getting the job done…from home
Remember these terms? Download
Pretend you are at home…and you have some work to do
You started your personal narrative at school, but you didn’t finish it…and it is due tomorrow
You can access your paper at home from the Y115 network drive! Better get started…
Google search “Yorkville School District” and open up the Y115 home page Nice home page…where is the category for students?
**We are getting a new webpage server in November…maybe there will be a student section**
Where do you see the words “FILE ACCESS”
Look under “Employees” Grab a sheet to show you where everything is
Your password is the same one you use to log onto the computers
Single click on one of your documents in your ILT folder
Click on “Download” it will appear at the bottom of your screen
Single click on your document You will have to “Enable Editing” in the yellow tool bar
Don’t forget…you are at home on your own computer
You finish your paper… now what?
File Save As DESKTOP
You have successfully saved it on your home computer desktop How are you going to do that? What is the word?
UPLOAD Keep your Google chrome open
Click the “Upload” button
We need to tell the computer which file we want to UPLOAD…we can have it “BROWSE” since we know where it is
Click on desktop and scroll down until you find your document Single click on your file and click “Open”
Your file name should be in the box now Click “UPLOAD”
Minimize the text box There should be a blue “updated” notation
We are almost done Drag your document to the