Heifers needed to keep herd size at 100
Healthy cows produce healthy calves. Body condition score your cows to ensure they calve at condition 3.5 Ensure a 60 day dry period Give cows all necessary pre-calving inoculations
Storage of Colostrum Room temperature for 1 day Fridge for a week Deep frozen (-20C) for more than a year Thaw in warm water (<60C) Feed at 39C
Post Calving to Weaning Disinfect umbilical cord Move to clean well ventilated pens/ hutches Colostrum for 5 days Feed good clean milk at 39C at 10% to 15% of birth weight Start with 3 feedings then 2 then 1 per day
Post Calving to Weaning Clean water from day one all day Calf meal of good quality from day 3 Good quality hay from week 4. Move hutches or clean out pens at least every three days. Check feed intakes, can be weaned when eating more than 2.5% of birthweight per day
Weaners to Heifers Keep in small groups after weaning with shade and clean water. Keep on calf meal for at least one month then slowly introduce heifer meal. Use high protein meal to ensure good muscle and bone growth not FAT. Ensure correct vaccination program for your farm/area
Heifer Targets Age/stage Condition score Feed 3 month Weaning CP 12ME 6 month CP 12ME 14 months Breeding 3.25 – CP 11.5ME 21 months 3.5 – CP 11ME 22 months 3.5 – CP 11ME
Heifer Targets Puberty at 42% of Mature Body Size 8 to 10 months of age Conceive at 55% of Mature Body Size 14 to 16 months of age Calve down at 85% of Mature Body Size 23 to 25 months of age
5 BIG reasons to Grow Heifers to 24months Quick return on your Money. Need less pens, space, water troughs and feed troughs. Less animals on your farm so less costs and feed. Cheaper than keeping for 3 years. Produces more productive cows