Surrey Libraries Computer Learning Centres Totally New to Computers Computer Basics January 2012 Teaching Script
The Keyboard Now that you’re familiar with the mouse, you will now learn about the next vital piece of equipment – the keyboard.
Keyboarding Functions
Start Menu and Program List The Start menu has two basic parts: The large pane shows a list of programs on your computer. The search box is located in the lower left corner. If you want to start using a program, you can click on it from the Start menu.
Starting a Program from a Shortcut Icon A “shortcut” icon with a black arrow is normally found on the desktop. It can be created for any programs, files and applications. This is a shortcut.
Internet Explorer To view a website, you need to use a program called Internet Explorer. Double-click on the Internet Explorer shortcut icon on the desktop or from the Start menu If you open Internet Explorer on a library computer, it will automatically take you to the Surrey Libraries homepage.
Windows Properties Minimize – Puts a program on hold and places it on the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. Maximize – Brings an active window to fill the entire computer screen. Restore - Use this size when you want to display more than one window on the desktop. Close – Closes an active window.
Windows Properties Arranging the Windows - Put the mouse pointer on the title bar. Drag the window to another location. Scrolling - To continuously move forward, backward or sideways through the text and images on screen or within a window.
Accessing the Library Catalogue
Placing a Hold
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