Resistvir: Activities of WP3/EG1 Neil Boonham
Work Package 3 Co-ordination of research on problems caused by viruses and vectors and their methods of control Expert Group 1 : Identification and assessment of plant virus related problems
Expert group members MarinaBarbaItaly Neil BoonhamUK Rick MumfordUK Filiz ErtuncTurkey Nicolaos IoannouCyprus OlivierLemaireFrance JuozasStaniulisLithuania ClaudeBragardBelgium IoannisManoussopoulosGreece
Scope Collate information on the most important crops in each country in Europe Collate information on virus losses in these crops Collate information on methods of control followed in each country
Results Collated information from UK Italy Cyprus Turkey Lithuania Greece
Results Viruses of Arable crops Cereals Potatoes Other Viruses of Horticultural crops Field Vegetables Protected Vegetables Protected Ornamentals Top Fruit Soft Fruit
Summary: common problems Viruses of Arable crops Cereals - Barley yellow dwarf virus - Cereal yellow dwarf virus Potato - Potato virus Y Sugar Beet - Beet necrotic yellow vein virus - Beet yellows virus - Beet mild yellow virus
Summary: common problems Viruses of Horticultural crops Field Vegetables - Cucumber mosaic virus - Zucchini yellow mosaic virus Protected Veg - Tomato yellow leaf curl virus - Tomato infectious chlorosis - Tomato chlorosis virus - Tomato spotted wilt virus - Tomato mosaic virus - Pepino mosaic virus
Summary: common problems Viruses of Horticultural crops Ornamentals - Cucumber mosaic virus - Impatiens necrotic spot virus -Tomato spotted wilt virus
Summary: common problems Viruses of Horticultural crops Top fruit - Plum pox virus - Citrus tristeza virus - Tomato spotted wilt virus - Apple mosaic virus
Summary: common problems Viruses of Horticultural crops Soft fruit -Plum pox virus -Citrus tristeza virus -Tomato spotted wilt virus -Apple mosaic virus Grapevine -Grapevine fan leaf virus -Grapevine leaf roll assoc. virus