Denes Talosi 20/03/2013
Content Processing Coordination Non-Linear MC-CE Op Gap analyzes
Long form Ingest/QC
Post Production ◦ Ingest ◦ QC ◦ Daytime edits ◦ Audio Conform ◦ Non-Linear production ◦ Formating ◦ Compliance view ◦ Segmentation ◦ Internal services (OAP, Digital, Marketing, Sales)
Coordination ◦ Shipping, Delivery ◦ Administration ◦ Task scheduling ◦ Contact playout, vendors, distributors ◦ Existing version acquiring ◦ Internal services (OAP, Digital, Marketing, Sales)
2700 acquired programing hours ◦ 80% HD – 50 Tbyte ◦ 20% SD – 12 Tbyte 2000 premier commercials /month around 1800 promo cuts /month
Dub aquireing territories ◦ Czech 45% (600 hours/year) ◦ Hungary 50% (700 hours/year) Other ◦ Poland (Voice over) ◦ Bulgaria (pending)
Subtitle only ◦ Romania ◦ Macedonia ◦ Serbia ◦ Croatio ◦ Slovenia ◦ Bulgaria Sub insertion ◦ Hungary ◦ Czech
Content hits directly an editor for Technical QC Format conversion Content check (order etc) Removal of textless elements Reduction of blacks 4 x Edit station 3 x QC station
Catch Up production XRE render server to allow 24/7 ingest station availability
Shipping, Ingest, QC, Versioning, Delivery
◦ Access database ◦ User based access ◦ Workflow selection (18 existing workflow templates) ◦ License and TX date workflow management ◦ Episode based title generation ◦ Deadline allocation for every episode ◦ Personal Task scheduling and prioritisation(ingest, QC traffic) ◦ Interactive status updates ◦ Multi level follow up for localization vendors ◦ Traffic coordination(follow up) ◦ Reporting (alert, vendor, red materials etc) Planned implementation of an SQL solution
VOD/OTT/Catch Up
30,000 hours output yearly (60Tbyte, 250GB) Catch Up Classis Set Top Box VOD (AVOD, SVOD, TVOD) OTT BIVL Mobile
Fully covers catch up needs With the delivery of 18,000 content per year. BC/MPX ◦ Catch UP ◦ Mobile ◦ BIVL Metadata grabbing from Vision listing
7 platforms in operation Potential 46 platforms to launch ph/ package with the avg. 300GB Challenges Library management Scheduling Metadata Content Production Delivery
Existing resources covers up to 10 platforms By September 20 platforms expected Short term Solution needed
Production side ◦ HR (VOD operator) ◦ Production (storage 20T, Carbon Coder 57k USD) Scheduling ◦ Access based solution (25k USD) ◦ Or/and HR (Planner)
Catch Up production
VOD Support Timing Number of platforms Refreshment Volume per month HR RequirementsTechnical SchedulingMetadata SDHDTotal* Phase 1As of Today 10 platforms to launch by the 1st of April Covered (ingest editor, traffic coordinator) Covered (ProCoder- 8, XRE) Covered (Excel based) Phase 21st Jun platforms in operation VOD Operator (annual)$24,000 Dedicated Storage, CarbonCoder$57,000 Access based$25,000 Covered with access Phase 3end of FY14 46 platforms in target Scheduler (annual)$24,000 Media Centre (Eagle)Vision 4.x *The production of one HD esset equals four SD output **the above calculation estimates that all platforms are capable for archiving ***30 ep per package ****20% of HD production ***** Both scheduling and production depends of the complexity of the platform. There is no linear calculation (platform exclusivity, pre rolls, subtitling etc )
CE Limitations, Benefits, Priorities
Major bottle neck is on the VOD side Long form storage (archive and restore) VOD scheduling and delivery Remote ingest working storage (Source content pulling for a mid term storage) 1 Gig Bp-Lon connection
Source storage as a buffer to pull Cineshare – Aspera etc Remote ingest Implementation of Operations report functions into the MAMs Asset Delivery (vendors, playout, non-linear) Harding FPA test for TX ready contents System integrations
Long Form Archive Asset management Receipt of Source contents to a buffer storage Integration (Vision) VOD scheduling Schedule driven multi platform transcoding Automated Content Delivery (VOD, Playout, Studios etc)