SELF ESTEEM What Matters Is the Way You See Yourself!
Self Esteem…What is it made of? Your self esteem is made up of all the experiences and relationships you’ve had in your life. Everyone you’ve ever met has added to or taken away from how you see yourself.
Self esteem refers to the way we see or think about ourselves. It affects how we relate to other people and to our happiness and success in life.
What Can Harm Self Esteem? Peer Pressure Academic Obstacles or Failures Disappointment In Relationships Feelings of Inferiority
Raising Your Self Esteem It’s as easy as ! 1. YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH! You need to realize that you are a wonderful person and that even every “inperfection” makes you a unique and beautiful person. Love yourself, because you deserve it ! 2. FORGET ABOUT THEM! They don’t have the final say in your happiness or worth. As long as you are happy with yourself everything else will fall by the way side. Don’t honor their negativity ! 3. BE POSITIVE! Be an actively positive person. Don’t make negative comments about yourself because this will open the door of pessimism. If you want to change something about yourself, DO IT !
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