Honors Senior British Literature and Language Arts Good morning
Entry Task Entry Task: Why is Kitum Cave so important to Ebola? What did Lt. Johnson’s team discover in the cave? Did the team find what they were looking for in the cave? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0n5dLiBJL8 From last class Clip on Nancy Jaax and the level 4 incident: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5G6A4ttmruA
Entry Task Regular Seniors – 15 minutes of silent reading with your Independent novel.
Restoration and 18th Century If you were absent or did not complete the historical background/power point on the Restoration you will need to complete them on your own. You will add notes from the power point to your notes (right side of your Cornell notes ..\..\Senior 2nd semester\Restoration\The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century.ppt
Restoration and 18th Century Samuel Pepys (Peeps) Nonfiction in the 18th Century Read 576-577 – Read Samuel Pepys [578 – 579] List three things about author you feel are significant. The Diary of Samuel Pepys The Restoration of Charles II [580] The Coronation of the King [581] The Great London Fire [584]
Restoration and 18th Century Samuel Pepys (Peeps) Diary Passage What it Reveals about Pepys and society Lines 1-26 Restoration of Charles II Lines 27 – 61 The Coronation of the King Lines 88-97 The Great Fire of London Create and complete the above chart after reading. Reflect: (Text Criticism & Why Keep a Diary – 588
Restoration and 18th Century Daniel Defoe (add to your notes on Samuel Pepys) Daniel Defoe [592 - 593] List three things about author you feel are significant. 1. 2. 3. A Journal of the Plague Year [594-599]
Restoration and 18th Century Daniel Defoe While you are reading: Using the inferences you recorded summarize the effects of the plague on various members of London society. What social customs or institutions did the epidemic of 1665 alter or destroy? Passages about London Society My Reactions My inferences
For Next Class Syllabus signed (if you have not already turned in) Honors - The Hot Zone – reading 141-179 questions 28 - 34 in your reading journals. You will have a quiz on Part I of the novel Regular – Read the next section of your novel and finish the character suitcase activity on a character. I will be doing a check on your reading and journals on 2/24 (A) 2/25(B) be ready.
Exit Task: Reflect on the learning targets for today. Do you feel you met the targets? Students will be exposed to other cultures and time periods, quality literature and effective/varied writing styles Students will begin to understand key facts that influenced and developed literature Students will write effectively in expository mode to examine/analysis a complex idea 1. What is one thing that you completed or learned today that you found interesting? 2. What is one thing that you feel you can improve in future classes?