Lesson 34 Modern Olympics


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 34 Modern Olympics 八年级下册 Lesson 34 Modern Olympics

Modern Olympics

Free talk : What do you know about the history of Olympics ?

What do you know about the Olympics held in China ?

The slogan (n.口号) for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games was …… . It’s created by the host city. It reflects the spirit of those Olympics.

The song for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games was …… . It touched many people’s heart.

The mascots (n. 吉祥物)for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games were …… . They were animals with Chinese feature. (n.特征 特点)

This is the torch (n. 火炬) for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games This is the torch (n. 火炬) for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Li Ning lighted it.

What else do you know about the modern Olympics ?

Inspire a generation 激励一代人 Survival 《生存》

Welcome Home 欢迎回家 OCEANIA 《海洋》

Share spirit 分享奥林匹克精神 THE FLAME 《圣火》

The celebration of  the century 世纪庆典 REACH 《登峰造极》 Izzy

 Friends for life 永远的朋友 Cobi FRIENDS FOR LIFE 《永远的朋友》

Listen and answer: 1 What’s the Olympic motto ? 2 Is the Olympic slogan created by the host city ? Faster , Higher and Stronger. Yes, it is.

Read the lesson and answer the questions: 1What does the Olympic symbol mean ? 2What does the torch mean ? 3 What has always been the same ? The five rings stand for the five continents united together. It’s a symbol of peace, light and friendship. To do the best and to compete fairly.

Exercises: stood for 1The dragon ____________ (代表) power in ancient China. 2 A dove is the symbol of ______(和平) peace

Group work: What do you know about the Modern Olympics ? The five rings stand for … The Olympic motto is … The torch … The slogan … The mascot …

Homework Find more things that are the same or different in the modern Olympics and talk about them.

Language Point stand for 代表,象征 Do you know what the five rings stand for ? Follow me Europe Africa America Asia Australia

Language Point Follow me peace n. 和平 We want peace, no war. People all over the world love peace.
