INRETS, Villeneuve d’Ascq, December 15 th -16 th 2005 ETISEO Project Evaluation process
INRETS, Villeneuve d’Ascq, December 15 th -16 th 2005 ETISEO Project Results submission File format transfer tool Evaluation feed-back
INRETS, Villeneuve d’Ascq, December 15 th -16 th 2005 Results submission Result Submission Format : Based on PETS-metrics XML schema, with the addition of events. Some attributes will not be processed (segmentation = shape). Documentation on this format is available on the web site also with examples.
INRETS, Villeneuve d’Ascq, December 15 th -16 th 2005 Results submission Result Submission Format : Extended PETS metrics developper details algorithm details run date camera used results frame tracked_target info_2D segmentation row_seg object info_3D parent target event_target physical_object contextual_object speed Must occur once and only once in the parent element. Must occur at least once. Optional but can occur once and only once in the parent element. Optional to occur but can occur numerously.
INRETS, Villeneuve d’Ascq, December 15 th -16 th 2005 Results submission Submission content : - For each sequence you processed, its xml results file using the naming convention: sequence-name.xml - The questionnaire describing how your system proceeded on all sequences.questionnaire
INRETS, Villeneuve d’Ascq, December 15 th -16 th 2005 Results submission Submission method : - by (<10Mo) to: - on ftp Connection parameters will be provide to all participants. Send also a notification to Warning : other participants can have access to your results. - by mail to: Silogic, ETISEO project. Attention of Luc Barthelemy 6, rue Camboulives BP Toulouse Cedex 1 France
INRETS, Villeneuve d’Ascq, December 15 th -16 th 2005 Results submission Submission method : In any case, you will receive an acknowledgement to your submission.
INRETS, Villeneuve d’Ascq, December 15 th -16 th 2005 ETISEO Project Results submission File format transfer tool Evaluation feed-back
INRETS, Villeneuve d’Ascq, December 15 th -16 th 2005 File format transfer tool Silogic made some tools: to convert different video results structures. From a frame basis format (like PETS) to a sequence basis format (like Viper). to address specific format incapability.
INRETS, Villeneuve d’Ascq, December 15 th -16 th 2005 File format transfer tool Silogic will use these tools to convert your xml result file into the ETISEO xml result structure. Then metrics will be computed on your results. We recommend that you use a result format as close as possible to the ETISEO result Xml schema.
INRETS, Villeneuve d’Ascq, December 15 th -16 th 2005 ETISEO Project Results submission File format transfer tool Evaluation feed-back
INRETS, Villeneuve d’Ascq, December 15 th -16 th 2005 Evaluation feedback Evaluation feedback : Metrics results are sent back to participants. Multiple submission is allowed. Statistics on metrics for each sequence will be available on the web-site. Global feedback to all participants.
INRETS, Villeneuve d’Ascq, December 15 th -16 th 2005 Schedule First video corpus diffusion : starting January Results collection : until end of March Global metrics results diffusion : July Second evaluation: May. First evaluation Seminar April Jan July Oct Dec May Evaluation review Seminar CYCLE 1 Evaluation review CYCLE 2 Etiseo evaluation