1 Personal Curriculum: School Counselors Role and Post-Secondary Planning April 15, 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Curriculum: School Counselors Role and Post-Secondary Planning April 15, 2008

2 Educational Planning  The first step in developing an individualized approach to learning starts with the Educational Development Plan Educational Planning

3 Educational Development Plan (EDP)   The Board of a LEA or Board of Directors of a PSA: – –Shall ensure each pupil in Grade 7 is provided with the opportunity to develop an EDP – –The EDP shall be developed before the student enters high school and becomes the student’s “course of study”. – –Shall be developed by:   Pupil   School counselor   School Psychologist should be included if the student has an IEP

4 Essential Elements for EDPs  Personal Information  Career Goal(s)  Educational/Training Goal(s)  Assessment Results  Plan of Action  Parent Consultation/Endorsement –(under age 18) Courtesy of: Christine Reiff, Office of Career and Technical Preparation

5 Personal Learning Plan  Develop post-secondary training, employment, and adult living goals  Identify student preferences, interests, strengths, and needs  Review academic performance, learning styles, and effective support strategies  Identify and coordinate credit and support for personal curriculum consideration  Annual Review Universal Planning Elements

6 Personal Learning Plan  An individualized approach to learning embodies flexibility, innovation, and offers an alternative choice for children who need or desire a more tailored approach to learning to succeed academically Personal Learning Plan

7 School Counselor  The school counselor and comprehensive school counseling programs are key to the development of educational learning plans for students School Counselor

8  The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) endorses comprehensive school counseling programs that promote and enhance student learning in three broad and interrelated areas of student development School Counseling Programs

9  Academic Development includes skills, abilities, knowledge for effective learning  Career Development includes skills, abilities, knowledge to help students make a successful transition from school to careers  Personal/Social Development includes skills, abilities, knowledge to help students understand and respect self and others, interpersonal skills, safety and survival skills to develop students into contributing members of society School Counseling Programs

10 School Counselor’s Role  Counseling services to assist students  Collaborate with staff to plan educational interventions, curriculum, behavioral management plans, and teaching strategies  Consult and collaborate with students, families, school personnel and other agencies regarding behavior and education concerns Certification and Licensure of School Counselors R School Counselor’s Role

11 School Counselor’s Role  Provide guidance to students on career, occupational and educational information to facilitate post secondary goal attainment  Assess students  Design, implement and evaluate guidance and counseling programs focusing on career, academic, personal, social, emotional and developmental needs of all students Certification and Licensure of School Counselors R School Counselor’s Role

12 School Counselor’s Role  Provide guidance to students on career, occupational and educational information to facilitate post secondary goal attainment  Assess students  Design, implement and evaluate guidance and counseling programs focusing on career, academic, personal, social, emotional and developmental needs of all students Certification and Licensure of School Counselors R School Counselor’s Role

13 School Counselor’s Functions  Advising  Placement  Planning  Assessment  Counseling   Coordinating   Instructing   Referring   Programming Certification and Licensure of School Counselors R School Counselor’s Functions

14 School Counselor and the Personal Curriculum The School Counselor provides planning, assessment skills, and tools to ensure the personal curriculum modifications align with all student educational plans. The School Counselor: – –Legislatively required member of the PC development team – –Assists with the development of the Educational Development Plan (EDP) – –Coordinates and facilitates planning of the PC modification plan

15  The legislative intent of a Personal Curriculum is to increase the rigor and relevance of the educational experience and provide a tool to help all students succeed with the MMC. Personal Curriculum

16  A documented process initiated by: –the parent/legal guardian, –student over 18 if no appointed guardian, or –an emancipated youth Personal Curriculum

17  Modifies certain requirements of the Michigan Merit Curriculum –Not all or any of the requirements  Allows the board of a LEA or PSA to award a high school diploma providing the student successfully completes the personal curriculum Personal Curriculum

18 Guiding Principles  The PC is one option to help students meet or exceed the MMC.  A Personal Curriculum allows for modification of state high school content expectations.  The PC is an individualized plan for rigor and relevance based on the HSCE.  The PC is the exception and agreed upon with thought and integrity. Guiding Principles

19 Guiding Principles  The PC is agreed upon and initiated by the parent/guardian or emancipated student.  Prior to granting a PC, districts should ensure all efforts have been made to help students successfully complete the requirements.  Educators are obligated to teach a challenging curriculum and prepare all students for post secondary goals. Guiding Principles

20  Involves an agreement between the parent/ guardian superintendent, and the student.  Meets as much of MMC subject area content expectations as practicable/possible for the student.  Must be aligned with the student’s EDP and IEP for students with a disability. Personal Curriculum

21  Measurable goals.  Method to evaluate progress.  Communication of progress with parent.  Allows the board of a LEA or PSA to award a high school diploma providing the student successfully completes the personal curriculum. Personal Curriculum

22 What’s Practicable Mean?  The legislative intent of the PC is to increase the rigor and relevance of the educational experience.  In this context, “practicable” is an inclusive term meaning as much of the subject area content expectations as possible during high school instruction for the individual student.  Students with disabilities operate under this same context! What’s Practicable Mean?

23  Spreading a credit over two years with a student receiving ½ credit per year. –Example: Algebra I or II, Physics, etc. Modifications NOT Needing a Personal Curriculum   Taking both a credit requirement and support course. – –Example: Geometry and Geometry Prep, Chemistry and Chemistry Support, etc.

24  Taking credit requirements through career and technical education courses, humanities courses, industrial education or applied arts.  Earning credit through Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment, and International Baccalaureate classes. Modifications NOT Needing a Personal Curriculum

25 There are 4 reasons for a student to request a PC. 1.To add additional math, English, science or world language courses. 2.Modify credit requirements because he or she has transferred from out of state or from a non-public school. Four Reasons for a Personal Curriculum 3. 3.Modify the Algebra II requirement by spreading the content over two years for two credits Modify the credit requirements based on a student’s disability.

26  English Language Arts  Science  World Languages  Civics  Online Learning Experience  Exception – Students with a disability and transfer students Subjects That Can Not Be Modified

27 School Counselor Certification Four ways to become a credentialed school counselor in Michigan: 1. Traditional (teaching certificate with a school/guidance counselor endorsement) 2. School Counselor License (in or out of state applicants may be licensed upon completion of all criteria)

28 School Counselor Certification Four ways to become a credentialed school counselor in Michigan: 3. Preliminary Employment Authorization to work as a School Counselor (must be enrolled in an in-state approved program). [Refer to Administrative Rules that Govern Certification and Licensure of School Counselors for additional criteria] 4. Temporary School Counselor Authorization (exclusively for out-of-state applicants) [Refer to Administrative Rules that Govern Certification and Licensure of School Counselors for additional criteria]

29 School Counselor Designee  The Personal Curriculum Guidelines state that a “counselor or designee” shall be a part of the PC team.  A school counselor designee: –A school principal or superintendent must apply for one of three permits on behalf of the designee. –Designee should only be used if a school counselor is unavailable

30 School Counselor A School Counselor is NOT:  A person who holds the Limited License Professional Counselor (LLPC)  A Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)  Neither the LLPC or LPC are issued by MDE and individuals with these credentials are not certified to work as a school counselor in Michigan. **Any one not credentialed as a school counselor by the Michigan Department of Education does not hold the proper certification/license to be legally employed as a school counselor in MI.

31 School Counselor There is a penalty for hiring someone who has not been appropriately credentialed as a school counselor by the state of Michigan: –Considered a misdemeanor –$1,500 fine for each incidence

32 Approved Counselor Programs There are twelve higher education institutions within the State of Michigan that have approved School Guidance Counselor Programs.

33 Approved Counselor Programs Andrews University Central Michigan University Eastern Michigan University Grand Valley State University Michigan State University Northern Michigan University Oakland University Siena Heights University Spring Arbor University University of Detroit-Mercy Wayne State University Western Michigan University

34 Student Vision Auto Related Engineering/ Drafting Specific Requirements For Achieving Vision Diploma College Job and Work Experience EDP Pathway HS Courses Requirements to meet the Vision Transition IEP Accommodations Supports Services Mild Support Requirements Alignment of EDP and IEP With Post- Secondary Vision and Goals

35 Student Vision Auto Related Auto Body Specific Requirements For Achieving Vision Diploma Independent Living Skills College/Training Job and Work Experience EDP Pathway HS Courses Requirements to meet the Vision Transition IEP Accommodations Supports Services Specific Transition Planning Documentation of Attempts to support AND failure to achieve MMC Requirements Targeted Supports Personal Curriculum Alignment of EDP and IEP With Post- Secondary Vision and Goals

36 Student Vision Auto Related Work at Quick Lube Specific Requirements For Achieving Vision No Diploma Independent Living Skills Job and Work Experience EDP Pathway Defined learning Experiences Defined point of exit Transition IEP Accommodations Supports Services Specific Transition Planning Documentation of Defined End Point Of Instruction Intensive Supports Alignment of EDP and IEP With Post- Secondary Vision and Goals

37 Career & Technical Education (CTE)  More than 95% of high school students take at least one CTE course  Career and Technical Education Should: –Engage students in specific, career-related learning experiences –Prepare students who may choose to enter the workforce directly after high school –Support students in acquiring rigorous academic knowledge, technical skills, employability skills, and habits needed for success in the workforce and post-secondary education

38 Career Cruising  Interactive career resource designed people of all ages  Helps students plan their future  Includes –Assessment tools –Occupation profiles –Post-secondary education information

39 Career Forward (CFWD)  Designed to help Michigan students understand how to plan their work lives, career opportunities, and implications of the global economy  Satisfies MMC requirements for an online course  Developed through a partnership with MDE and the Michigan Virtual University

40 Choices Planner  Online career information delivery system  Helps students compare, connect, and choose from a vast network of work and education options

41 Mydreamexplorer (MDX)  Online career development tool designed for educators, administrators, parents, and students  Includes: –Interviews with Michigan career professionals –Educator workshop –Online career information video workshops

42 Michigan Virtual High School (MVHS)  The goals of the MVHS are: –Expand curricular offerings –Provide students with opportunities to develop new skills and competencies –Provide opportunities for teachers to learn new skills and strategies –Serve as a model for the use of interactive multimedia tools –Help the state respond to emerging educational demands –Offer courses and services to all audiences –Offer college level courses and at-risk programs

43 Michigan Virtual University (MVU)  Works with middle and high schools across the state to provide online courses for students  Provides online professional development opportunities for educators  Provides online career development and exploration tools

44Resources Administrative Rules for certification and licensure of Michigan school counselors min_Num= &Dpt=ED&RngHigh= Career Cruising Career Forward Choices Planner Mydreamexplorer

45 Contact Information Deborah Clemmons Supervisor for Curriculum and Literacy – MDE OSI Matt Korolden Co-director, Secondary Redesign and Transition – MDE OSE/EIS Beatrice M. Harrison Office of Professional Preparation Services Higher Education Consultant (517) – MDE OPPS Contact Information