Morgan White
Me neither, but click that thing. Click Insert, Shapes, and it’s the very bottom choice.
Well look here! Or here! Even here! You can get these by clicking the animations tab, and selecting which you want.
Right now I’m going to kind of just write this sentence that makes no sense, and just circle random parts. You can get/save annotations by going into slide show mode, and clicking the pen tool. Ex. I like to eat ramen on the weekends, play guitar, and my cat is a jerk.
Click on the Insert tab Then, click on the SmartArt tab, if you didn’t already think that’s what you had to do. Then, click whichever tickles you fancy, or is the one you need. Start typingAnd you’re finished!
Ready? It’s coming up right after this slide. (Click the Transition tab to get a fancy transition.)