What is different about interprofessional education? Author: Ali Ewing, Principal Lecturer Learning and Teaching July 2010 The University of Northampton Park Campus, Boughton Green Road NORTHAMPTON, UK. NN2 7AL
What is required to deliver interprofessional education, that is different to delivering education to our own students? The crux of this lecture...
Essential skills for facilitating interprofessional learning We require a clear understanding of : The purpose of the learning Why is it being implemented Commitment to interprofessional learning Stakeholders and champions Own values and beliefs
Areas of expertise required An adult learning approach Ability to use participants as a learning resource Management of group dynamics and processes
Differences in language and terminology Service and client care as the focus Confidence to ‘take risks’ outside of feeling secure within own professional identity Willingness to stretch boundaries Areas of expertise required
Ability to understand differences as well as commonalities Ability to positively challenge Be comfortable with and promote reflectiveness Areas of expertise required
Ability to stand back and refrain from being judgemental Recognise you will not have all the answers Interactive learning approaches and teamworking skills Areas of expertise required
Facilitators must have ability to identify and address a range of complex issues Differences in motivation and expectations of the student group Potentiality for corrupting processes of occupational / professional socialisation, which are unwittingly being transferred between facilitator and students of their own profession
Different professional cultures Reasons for perceived resistance Issues of power and status Valuing each professional identity, difference and diversity Facilitators must have ability to identify and address a range of complex issues
‘Tell me and I will forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I will understand.’ Confucius (450BC) And finally...
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