The PSEUDOCOELOMATE Condition PSEUDOCOELOM Lumen of gut PSEUDOCOELOM Mesoderm Endoderm Ectoderm Any organism which has a “false” body cavity (pseudocoel) is said to be a pseudocoelomate...
Functions (i.e. what’s it used for?) Definition of a pseudocoelom? - a fluid-filled body cavity, (derived from the blastocoel), which surrounds the gut. Functions (i.e. what’s it used for?) Hydrostatic skeleton Circulatory Location of organs – reproduction & excretion
Only longitudinal muscles Pseudocoelom functions as circulatory system PHYLUM NEMATODA (Roundworms) Eutely Only longitudinal muscles Pseudocoelom functions as circulatory system Complete digestive system Renette cells - excretion Amoeboid sperm
P Phylum Nematoda cs through esophagus. Note triradiate esophagus, pseudocoel (P) & thick cuticle [fig 5.4]
Male or female? Which one is which? How do you tell?
B Phylum Nematoda A c.s. through female (A) & male (B) nematode worms. Notice the 2 large round structures in the female (uteri) and the thick cuticles on both the male and female worms. [fig 5.3]
Phylum Nematoda P Lumen of gut c.s. of male, note reproductive structures, and pseudocoel (P) [fig 5.3]
Phylum Nematoda I P OD U O c.s. of female Note intestine (I), pseudocoel (P), ovaries (O), oviducts (OD), & one of the 2 LARGE uteri (U) [fig 5.3]
PHYLUM ROTIFERA Cirri, corona & trochus bring in water currents and therefore aid in feeding, respiration and locomotion Mastax & trophi = internal feeding apparatus Pedal glands and spurs (toes) – attachment Flame bulb – excretory canals Parthenogenesis, Mictic, viviparous
What was the other one??? PHYLUM Rotifera The other pseudocoelomate phylum we studied!!! Note corona (for feeding, locomotion & respiration), mastax/trophi, pedal glands & spurs (toes) [fig 5.5]
The EUCOELOMATE Condition Ectoderm Mesoderm COELOM Endoderm Lumen of gut Any triploblastic organism which has a TRUE body cavity is said to be a (eu)coelomate...