Postwar Problems
Trends Nativism: – Prejudice against foreign-born people that sweeps across the nation. Isolationism: – U.S. policy of pulling away from involvement in world affairs.
Communism Panic Communism: Government run by a dictator, equalizes by ending private property and making all businesses government owned. Red Scare: Americans feared a world workers revolution as Communists in the U.S. became violent.
Consequences Palmer Raids – Att. Gen. Palmer assigns J. Edgar Hoover to hunt down communists, socialists, and anarchists. Hundreds deported and civil rights violated. – Complete phony. Sacco and Vanzetti – Italian Immigrants tried and executed for a crime they may or may not have committed.
Limiting Immigration KKK – KKK returns, focused on immigrants and anything “UnAmerican”. – Loses popularity over criminal activities. Quota System: Emergency Quota Act – Limits Immigration from certain continents and countries. – Focused on Southern and Eastern Europe and Japan.
Labor Unrest Labor Board no longer controls strikes. Boston Police Strike – Police strike ends, but all fired…Coolidge hires vets and National Guard. Steel Mill Strike – 300,000 workers strike. – Strikers beaten by police and troops. – Strikers lose union, but get 8 hour work day.
Coal Miners Strike – Union led by John Lewis strikes. – Miners achieve pay increase, but still have long work hours. End of Labor Movement – 1)Immigrants willing to work in bad conditions. – 2)Unions couldn’t overcome language barrier. – 3)Migrating farmers relied on themselves. – 4)African Americans excluded.