By: Noah Breitsprecher When I Graduate High school
I want to go to trade school I would like to go a trade school To help me get a better handle for my job
Auto mechanic I would like to work at a mechanic shop in Iowa The average auto mechanic makes between 40 to 50 thousand a year You can go to trade school to start but you will usually get better with more experience If I can I would try to have my own shop at home
Where I want to live I would stay in Iowa but out in the country I already found a ranch outside of Ottumwa
In my spare time When I have days off of work I would like to go hunting and fishing in my spare time. I might also visit my family since the are so close
Ranch life On the ranch Id like to have some horses and maybe 4 or 5 dogs I might also have some other animals like maybe a pig
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