The History and Development Of the Blackboard By: Ashley Samarin
The Original Chalk Board The Chalk board entered the education world in 1801 revolutionizing how teachers taught. In early education students also had their own slate to write on and interact independently with the class. This board allowed students to come and share their ideas on the board and at times was used a tool to aid in students punishment. Throughout the years this board as been updated and now has dustless chalk as well as being magnetic. This simple, allergenic and very much outdated board made sharing information with a whole class visually possible.
The White Board It was not until the 1980’s and 1990’s that the chalk board had been replaced with the White Board or Dry Erase Board. This new board has seemed to be more efficient, allowing teachers to write with greater ease. The update to the whiteboard has also been making these boards magnetic and in slate type boards, modeling education and student interaction from early education. This updated board provides/d students and teachers with a visual of what they are learning. This white, dry erase board has now been outdated by a board that has the capabilities of a computer and allows for greater interaction in the classroom that it has begun revolutionizing education.
The SmartBoard What is a SmartBoard: An interactive white board that is touch sensitive and allows for manipulative for students learning to be used through technology. These interactive boards have provided teachers with the ability to bring interactive programs and displays to their students that they wouldn’t have been able to without this technology. Implementing technology into the classroom has huge benefits for our students and their learning. Studies have demonstrated that through the use of the interactive Smartboard students overall achievement has grown. This technology has also assisted students of all academic levels and abilities. The development of this product began in the 1990’s and has carried to today and is continually advancing itself.
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