How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
Target Audience Social realism is usually associated with the aged group of However, they can attract a wider audience if the films are distributed straight onto DVD and/or TV. The most effective way of marketing this age group would be through the use of Web 2.0 and viral marketing such as online trailers and social networks.
Web 2.0 It is the easiest way to create a buzz which is also cheaper making it easy for independent cinema to accomplish. Creating sharable content adds a personal connection between the product and the audience, making a greater interest in the film. Four our film marketing and promotion, it is vital we reach the largest possible audience. This can be achieved through the use of push advertising.
However, the lack of funds with independent films, meaning a lower budget, we will have to rely on Web 2.0. Film posters and magazine artifacts shall also be a form of promotion. Nearer the time of the film release date, a magazine article may be produced, featuring the film on the front cover. For example, when it comes to producing a magazine cover, I shall be using Sight and Sound magazine.
Brand imaging on alternate formats can create interest and is also reinforcing the message the concept of the film. It is not only Web 2.0 and other forms of promotion, but directors and 'stars' can also be a strong selling point for the film. As there are unknown actors within in social realism films, including ours, it is the director which attracts the audience. Those who enjoy Shane Meadows films are more likely to view a new film of his due to previous work.
Brand Image. As our film is social realism the brand imaging should reflect this. The images used should be dark and gritty, reflecting what the film holds. The tagline is also important as it conveys a message to the audience about the films themes and unique selling point. The intention of a tagline for our product is to deliver gritty drama about the main storyline, giving as little away as possible.
Skinheads. Characters in the film; indicates what the film is about. Tagline. Doesn't give too much away. All characters are in different positions - reflects personality
'Normal', day to day girl. Her clothes represent that she is working class, as well as her gold jewellery. Stereotypical 'chav'
The unique selling point for our film is that it depicts a realistic story of a young person, struggling in society. Something which occurs everyday with many young adults. This will be clear in the trailer itself and also in the poster and magazine cover. The images of the main character shall be the centre of attention with the location in the background. The character will be in the clothes which are worn in the film. Look at previous slides for examples.
The purpose of the magazine is to generate interest from usual customers that buy the magazine. Hopefully, this will increase the amount of push advertisement seen by the public eye. Creating a buzz and increase of word of mouth to other age groups.