November 29, 2010 Unit 22, Lesson 9
2. Word Recognition and Spelling Review the spelling words from hardcover page 130 Turn to page 186 in your workbook Read each word in the first column Write its base word and suffix in the next two columns Check the box that identifies the spelling rule used to add the word ending
Workbook page 186 defering saddleed diffuseing indicateed compeling swimable puzzleing begining dependable expel ing stoped peddle er
3. Content Mastery Please turn to page 26 in your Content Mastery book Attributes Characteristics of something EXAMPLE: Word: Attribute Apple: Peel Triangle: Three Sides Candle: Wick Directions for Content Mastery 1. Choose words that complete each attribute pair 2.Write your answers in the blank
3. Content Mastery Please turn to page 27 in your Content Mastery book Word Meanings Word Meanings from Meanings of Word Parts EXAMPLE: Pro= look forward Tract = to pull PROTRACT = to pull forward Directions for Content Mastery 1.Read the meanings of the word parts in the box 2.Read the list of words and the list of definitions 3.Write the letter for the correct definition in the blank
4. Content Mastery Please turn to page 28 in your Content Mastery book Phrasal Verbs (Questions 1-5) A verb that has another word to help define the action EXAMPLE: Looked over = edited, reviewed Directions for Content Mastery 1.Read each sentence 2.Underline the phrasal verb 3.Copy it in the first column 4.Write its meaning in the second column
4. Content Mastery Please turn to page 28 in your Content Mastery book Predicate Nominative, Predicate Adjective, and Direct Object (Questions 6-10) Predicate Nominative- renames the subject and comes after the linking verb If we were to use the predicate nominative again in a sentence, we then know what subject we are talking about Predicate Adjective- describes the subject and comes after the linking verb Direct Object- the person, place, or thing that is getting the action Directions for Content Mastery 1.Read each sentence 2.Decide whether the underlined word is a predicate nominative, predicate adjective, or a direct object 3.Put an ‘X’ in the correct column
5. Text Connection Words can help a reader create a mental picture of a person, place or object. Creating a mental picture is called visualizing. Please turn to page C51 in your workbook Review the story independently Highlight or place a box around information about the setting Visualize the setting as you review the story Discuss the meaning as a class once you have your visualization of the setting
Workbook page C51 Setting: An alley between two buildings
6. Spotlight on Setting Details can enhance the description of a setting in a story C51 in your workbook Discuss the visual image you have in your mind about where the story took place Make a list of details that you think would improve the description of the setting in the story. Consider these questions: What is the building made of? Why does it look old? What’s in the alleyway? Are the lights of the police cars on or off? Are the radios inside the police cars on or off? Are there people around? What are the policemen doing? Are they active or still? What is the neighborhood like? Is it residential (people living there) or commercial (businesses and office buildings)?
Workbook page C51 Discuss what you visualize. What do you see, smell, hear and/or feel?
The End! Onto Lesson 10