Foreign Language Learning and Visually Impaired Students
Disability Overview Visual disabilities from birth - learned skills in reading Braille - tactile orientation aids Losing vision later in life - visual memories of colour and scale - orientation according to verbal descriptions and directions - less likely using Braille
Adaptive Equipment electronic adaptations (scanners changing print text to electronic one, software allowing electronic text to be accessed through Braille display equipment, enlarged text on a screen, a computer voice output) digital audio recordings Braille documents people as readers scribes
Adapting Teaching a Foreign Language Put the class agenda on the board and go over it orally Say aloud or write in large letters Describe aloud any visual aids with high contrast Refrain from saying “this”, “that”, “here”, “there” Spell out unfamiliar words Go over any handouts verbally Prepare CD-Roms with electronic versions of materials Use a magnifying programme (Zoom Text) Repeat and recycle material multiple times