Metrology as a science. Physical sizes. Measuring means. Lecture 1 Metrology as a science. Physical sizes. Measuring means. Associate prof . M.M. Mykhalkiv Associate prof . L.V. Vronska
Outline Metrology. The state service of metrology and standardization. Physical quantity: essence, numerical value and units. Basic and derivatives of Physical quantities and their units. The system of Physical quantity units of SI. The measuring means and metrological descriptions (characteristics).
1. Metrology. The state service of metrology and standardization. Metrology (from grec. metron is a measure and logos is a word) - the science of measurement, methods and means to ensure their unity and ways to achieve the required accuracy. So, metrology - the science of the measures.
Tasks of metrology: The measurement is finding of the Physical quantity by an experimental way by the special of technical means. Metrological traceability - is a condition of measurements at which their results are expressed in legalized units and measurement errors are known with a given probability. Measurement accuracy - is characterized by the approach of the results to the real value of the measured quantity.
Metrology is divided on: Scientific or fundamental metrology Applied, technical or industrial metrology Legal metrology
Scientific or fundamental metrology is studying of the theoretical bases. Scientific or fundamental metrology concerns the establishment of quantity systems, unit systems, units of measurement, the development of new measurement methods, realisation of measurement standards and the transfer of traceability from these standards to users in society. The BIPM maintains a database of the metrological calibration and measurement capabilities of various institutes around the world. These institutes, whose activities are peer-reviewed, provide the top-level reference points for metrological traceability. In the area of measurement the BIPM has identified nine metrology areas including length, mass and time.
Applied, technical or industrial metrology Applied, technical or industrial metrology concerns the application of measurement science to manufacturing and other processes and their use in society, ensuring the suitability of measurement instruments, their calibration and quality control of measurements. Although the emphasis in this area of metrology is on the measurements themselves, traceability of the calibration of the measurement devices is necessary to ensure confidence in the measurements.
Legal metrology Legal metrology "concerns activities which result from statutory requirements and concern measurement, units of measurement, measuring instruments and methods of measurement and which are performed by competent bodies." Such statutory requirements might arise from, amongst others, the needs for protection of health, public safety, the environment, enabling taxation, protection of consumers and fair trade. The OIML was set up to assist in harmonising such regulations across national boundaries to ensure that legal requirements do not inhibit trade. In Europe WELMEC was established to promote cooperation on the field of legal metrology.
Metrology is defined by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) as "the science of measurement, embracing both experimental and theoretical determinations at any level of uncertainty in any field of science and technology.“ The ontology and international vocabulary of metrology (VIM) is maintained by the Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology (JCGM), a group made up of eight international organisations - BIPM, IEC, IFCC, ISO, IUPAC, IUPAP, OIML and ILAC.
Metrological service is a system of organizations, separate organization or a separate subsection, on which laid the responsibility for metrological provision of measurement. The state system of standardization a system that determines the basic purpose and principles of leadership, forms and general organizational and technical rules for the implementation of all the works on standardization.
National and international standards laboratories include: A measurement standards laboratory is a laboratory of metrology which establishes standards for a country or organisation. National and international standards laboratories include: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA, formerly the National Bureau of Standards National Measurement Institute, Australia National Physical Laboratory of India National Physical Laboratory (United Kingdom) Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany Centre for Metrology and Accreditation (MIKES), Finland Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), Republic of Korea. Federal Institute of Metrology (METAS), Switzerland
International organizations: International Bureau of Weights and Measures, international body, headquartered in France, one of the bodies that governs SI Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology International Organization of Legal Metrology EURAMET WELMEC
Standardization activities aimed at establishing provisions for general and multiple use on existing or potential problems in order to achieve an optimal degree of conformity of products, processes and services to their functional purpose.
2. Physical quantity: essence, numerical value and units. A physical quantity (or "physical magnitude") is a physical property of a phenomenon, body, or substance, that can be quantified by measurement.
The physical quantity has a qualitative and quantitative side The sort of a physical size is qualitative definiteness of a physical quantity. Physical quantities which reflect qualitatively the same property is called homogeneous.
The size of the physical quantity - the quantitative determination of the physical quantity that characterized by a particular material object, the system, phenomenon or process. The value of a physical quantity - an assessment of the size of the physical quantity in the form of a number of units received for it.
The value of the physical quantity is obtained by measurement or calculation: The true value of a physical quantity - the value of a physical quantity, which ideally would be consistent in quality and quantity corresponding physical quantity. The real value of a physical quantity - the value of a physical quantity that was found by experiment, and so similar to the true value that can be assigned the task of measuring it (true value) to replace.
The numerical value of the physical quantity The numerical value of the physical quantity. Units of physical quantities. The numerical value of physical quantity is a number which is included into the value of a size. The unit of a physical quantity is a physical quantity of the fixed size, which conditionally confer on numerical value is equal 1, applied for quantitative expression of homogeneous physical quantities. The unit of a physical quantity measurement is a this physical quantity adopted by agreement as the basis for quantifying the values homogeneous with it qualitatively. The size of units of measurement is the number of the physical quantity that is contained in the unit of measurement.
3. Basic and derivatives of Physical quantities and their units. Selection of units of physical quantities: a certain number of units is independently selected (basic) other units is set based on relations that exist between the physical quantities (derivatives)
Basic physical quantity is a physical quantity, which is part of the system the quantities and conditionally accepted as independent of other quantities of the system Derivative physical quantity is a physical quantity that is determined as part of the quantities system and basic values of the system.
Size and dimension of physical quantity units: The dimension of the physical quantity is an expression that shows the dependence of the value of this derivative from the basic quantities in which the proportionality factor taken as a unit. Size and dimension of physical quantity units: The size of an unit is a quantitative measure of a physical quantity which is contained in it. The dimension of an unit is correlates of the derivative of the unit with the basic units of the system.
4. The system of Physical quantity units of SI The system of units of physical quantity is combination of basic and derivatives units of physical quantity, formed in accordance with the accepted principles for accepted physical quantities system. The international system of units was entered in 1960 by XI general conference on measures and scales (international brief name SI).
Basic units of the system of SI. Quantity name Unit name Unit symbol Length Metre m Mass Kilogram kg Time Second s Electric current Ampere A Thermodynamic temperature Kelvin K Amount of a substance mole mol Luminous intensity Candela cd
Named units derived from SI base units angle - radian (rad) solid angle - steradian (sr) frequency - hertz (Hz) pressure, stress - pascal (Pa) voltage (electrical potential difference), electromotive force - volt (V) electrical conductance - siemens (S)
Standard prefixes for the SI units of measure (Multiples) Prefix name Prefix symbol 10n Exa Peta Tera Giga Mega Kilo Hecto Deca E P T G M k h da 18 15 12 9 6 3 2 1
Standard prefixes for the SI units of measure (Fractions) Prefix name Prefix symbol 10n Deci Centi Milli Micro Nano Pico Femto Atto d c m n p f a -1 -2 -3 -6 -9 -12 -15 -18
The instruments (means) of measuring technique are included: 5. The measuring means and metrological descriptions (characteristics). The instruments (means) of measuring technique are a technical mean that is used during the measurement, and has normalized metrological characteristics. The instruments (means) of measuring technique are included: measuring instruments measuring apparatus
Measuring instruments is the technical mean which is used at the measurements and has normalized metrological descriptions. Measuring instruments realize the procedure of measurements. Measuring apparatus is instruments (means) of measuring technique, in which executed only one of component parts of measurement procedure (the measuring operation).
Measuring apparatus contains: the measure of physical quantities comparison apparatus transmitter scale transmitter
The metrological characteristics of instruments of measuring technique are characteristics of instruments (means) of measuring technique properties that influence on results and the measurement error: the range of measurements nominal value of a measure sensitivity the threshold of sensitivity accuracy class the variation of meter reading range of meter reading metrological reliability metrological failure
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