Electricity What do we know about electricity?
YTT Yesterday we successfully lit 1 light bulb using wires, batteries, and light bulbs. Today we will be able to explain the components of an electrical circuit that form a complete loop. We will be able to predict materials that will be electrical conductors or insulators. Tomorrow we will investigate whether materials in our classroom conduct electricity.
Today’s learning objectives Be able to explain the components of an electrical circuit that form a complete loop. Be able to predict materials that will be electrical conductors or insulators.
Checkpoint for understanding: In yesterday’s activity what was the source of energy? In yesterday’s activity what was the desired object? Battery Light bulb
Minute paper- Where have we been? Think: On an index card, draw how to light a light bulb using the least amount of batteries, bulbs, and wires. (Work individually) What is still confusing?
+ - Battery Wire Wire Light bulb, fan, TV, etc…
Notes: Current electricity explains how chemical energy moves from the source to the desired object. Define the following Vocabulary Words: Current Closed circuit Open circuit Conductor Insulator © Electricity and Magnetism: Current Electricity. Colgren Communications (2004).
Notes: + - Battery Circuits in series form a complete electrical loop from the negative end of the battery, to the source, and back to the positive end, using wires. Wire Wire Light bulb, fan, TV, etc…
Test your self (individual) Which of the following diagrams form a complete loop and are a circuit in series? See next slides
Will this set-up form a complete loop and is a circuit in series? Light Bulb + Battery -
Will this set-up form a complete loop and is a circuit in series? X + -
Will this set-up form a complete loop and is a circuit in series? +
Will this set-up form a complete loop and is a circuit in series? X +
Will this set-up form a complete loop and is a circuit in series? X + -
Will this set-up form a complete loop and is a circuit in series? + -
Will this set-up form a complete loop and is a circuit in series? X + -
Will this set-up form a complete loop and is a circuit in series? X + -
Complete loop: Analogy Legs turning the petals on a bicycle= battery Back bicycle tire=light bulb Chain= Wire that forms a complete loop
Think-Pair-Share Think- individually think of 2 or more examples of conductors and insulators from the video. Pair- with the person sitting next to you, generate a list of the conductors and insulators you each remember from the video. Discuss whether each item has been correctly labeled a conductor or insulator
Share Share- As a class generate a list of conductors and insulators from the video.
Series Circuits vs. Parallel Circuits Watch the following video clip and explain what the difference is between a series circuit and a parallel circuit. ©Getting to Know: Electricity. 100% Educational Videos(1998).
Homework Students will need to give an example of a series circuit and a parallel circuit from their home environment.