What are different forms of energy? Section 3-2
Energy Mechanical Electromagnetic Heat Chemical Nuclear 5 main forms
Mechanical The energy in moving things. Wind, moving water, falling rocks, walking, sound etc.
Electromagnetic Moving electrons. Electricity, light bulbs, radios, televisions, refrigerators.
Heat The energy of moving particles of matter. The faster the particles move, the more heat energy. All things contain some heat energy. Rub your hands together.
Chemical The energy that holds particles of matter together. The energy stored in a match head. The energy stored in wood or coal.
Nuclear The energy stored in the nucleus of the atom. It is released as heat and light when the nucleus is split (fission) or when atoms combine (fusion). The heat from the sun is produced from nuclear energy.
H.W. p. 45 Check/apply 1-9 Wkst. 3-2 Enrichment 3-2