LAUSD Responsible Use Policy (RUP) BUL – Attachment A
Purpose Following the RUP will keep you and others safe. We all need to follow federal and state laws about online use.
What is a “user?” Anyone using computers, the internet, , and all other forms of electronic communication provided by District networks or equipment, regardless of location is a “user.”
Privacy Users do not have privacy. The District can and will monitor your online activities. The District can copy, store, share this information with adults as necessary. This includes .
1. I am responsible for practicing positive digital citizenship Practice positive digital citizenship: appropriate behavior and contributions on websites, social media, discussion boards, media sharing sites, and all other communications. Be honest. What you do online may not disrupt school activities or compromise school safety and security.
1. I am responsible for practicing positive digital citizenship Discussion topic What are some popular online behaviors that do not follow positive digital citizenship? What could you do instead?
2. I am responsible for keeping personal information private Do not share personal information about yourself or others. Do not meet someone that you have only met on the internet. Check privacy setting on websites that you visit. Follow all laws, the RUP and District security policies.
2. I am responsible for keeping personal information private What could happen if you share personal information?
3. I am responsible for my passwords and my actions on District accounts. Do not share District or school usernames or passwords with anyone. Do not access someone else’s accounts. Log out of accounts when work is complete. Log others out if you see that they have forgotten.
3. I am responsible for my passwords and my actions on District accounts. What could happen if you share user names and passwords For your ? For Edmodo? For Engrade? For other sites? g
4. I am responsible for my verbal, written, and artistic expression. Use school appropriate language in all of your electronic communications. If you’re not sure about the language, ask yourself if you would say it in front of a grandmother.
5. I am responsible for treating others with respect and dignity. Do not send or post hateful, discriminatory or harassing digital communications. Do not engage in sexting. Any bullying, including cyber bullying is unacceptable.
5. I am responsible for treating others with respect and dignity. Do you feel cyber bullying is a problem? If so, why do kids do it?
6. I am responsible for accessing only educational content when using District technology. No material that is hate speech, sexually explicit, or violent. Exceptions must be approved by the teacher or administrator as part of the assignment. No illegal, political, or commercial purposes.
6. I am responsible for accessing only educational content when using District technology. If you can’t see it or do it during the school day, then you can’t see it or do it online.
7. I am responsible for respecting and maintaining the security of District electronic resources and networks. Do not try to get past the firewall. Do not use proxy servers. Do not use or install illegal software or apps. Do not access a personal data plan using the District network. No hacking.
8. I am responsible for taking all reasonable care when handling District equipment. Report any known or suspected acts of vandalism. Respect your and others’ use and access to District equipment.
8. I am responsible for taking all reasonable care when handling District equipment. What are some things you’ve seen with school equipment? Why is vandalism of school equipment a problem?
9. I am responsible for respecting the work of others. Follow copyright and fair use policies. Do not copy someone else’s work and present it as your own. Cite your sources. Do not download illegally obtained music, software, apps, and other works.
10. If you do not follow the RUP.. You may get restricted access or no access at all. You may have disciplinary or legal action against you. computer.htm