Strategies for all teachers (no matter what technology skills they possess) Add to Favorites: Dr. Carole Redline Teaching Digital Natives
Out of the Box Dr. Carole Redline Work in collaborative teams of grade or subject matter relevance!
Work with me! Write down key words. We’ll use these words Ask questions anytime. Dr. Carole Redline
Are Your Kids Different? HOW? Dr. Carole Redline
My Musings Dr. Carole Redline
Shift happens. Carl Fisch Video – Did You Know? 4.0 | Dangerously Irrelevant Video – Did You Know? 4.0 | Dangerously Irrelevant Sep 14, Three years, 20+ million online views, and many, many face-to-face showings later, the Did You Know? (Shift Happens) video still is going... (link to mp4) (link to mp4) How do you feel about the technological revolution! Go to my Website…Talk Go to my Website…Talk Dr. Carole Redline
It’s a short trip from riding the waves of change to being torn apart by the waves of defeat. Dr. Carole Redline
Are you worried about Technology and Learning? Relax The changes I suggest do not involve your expertise with technology or even adding another job to your already packed curriculum. Dr. Carole Redline The change is attitudinal not technological.
Whose World are We Preparing them for? Teachers see students differently Teachers are no longer the expert with all the skills and information. See students as partners in the learning process with a different but equal skill. Dr. Carole Redline
Don’t be threatened when students know more than you. Acknowledging that your students know more than you gives them an increasingly important role that motivates and encourages student responsibility. Talk to them about the responsibilities of their new role. Dr. Carole Redline
What does your 21 Century Classroom look like? Dr. Carole Redline
Teaching Digital Natives Partnering for Real Learning by Marc Prensky Dr. Carole Redline
Digital Immigrants HELP! Dr. Carole Redline
Digital Natives: What do they need? mp4What do they need mp4 Dr. Carole Redline Key words : Write them down You will have a quick assignment using your keywords Whole point of this movie
Dr. Carole Redline Wordle 1.Choose Create 2.Write your key words 3.Click Go 4.Click Randomize 5.Click Open in a New Window 6.Print Screen (It’s a button on your keyboard) 7.Open PowerPoint 8.Paste in PowerPoint- SAVE (do you have access to a network drive?) 9.Save to Gallery choose a name you will remember 10.Copy the website address Highlight the URL Choose Edit and copy (or right click) Paste to 11.Print……do not print black backgrounds
Change Dr. Carole Redline A Vision of K-12 Students today A Vision of K-12 Students today What key words do you find? What do the kids want? Will this help them learn? mp4 Go to Wiki Spaces Join Answer these questions in the forum Redline site (in your favorites)Redline site
What do you think of YouTube? Dr. Carole Redline
Safe Share Safe Share : Create YouTube links without distractions Dr. Carole Redline
Teachers as facilitator (How often?) Teachers will still have the most important role in the education of their students! Set the bar for student achievement high and communicate responsibility to their students. Must know how to be a facilitator not the sage on stage. Kindergarten teachers already do this Kindergarten teachers already do this but what projects do you have that could be guided by your student’s interest. Dr. Carole Redline
Which role is hardest for you? Which is easiest? Dr. Carole Redline
Please empower your kids Teach them Internet Safety. Supervise them. Teach them what to do when they come across inappropriate material. Involve them in web safety rules and your Acceptable Use Policy, AUP. Banning sites is NOT helpful and could be very harmful. Why? (Just for starters…..many other reasons why. What are they?) Why? Dr. Carole Redline
Student’s Role: An important discussion before you begin. Student’s have a new role that requires their responsibility. Teachers are partnering with their students. Must talk to them about the responsibility of their role. The skills of both the teachers and the students require mutual respect. Set the bar high, tell them expectations, create rubrics—they’ll love it! Students will focus on gathering information and presenting for an audience including their peers. Brainstorm with students acceptable behavior in this new model. What does it look like? Dr. Carole Redline
Allow Choice Guiding Questions Dr. Carole Redline Cannot be answered simply with a right answer Should have multiple solutions Answers must be found in collaboration
Rubric Maker Dr. Carole Redline
Not another job! Replace Curriculum remains the focus Rather than telling students, decide the goals for each lesson is and create guiding questions and rubrics for evaluation. Be sure questions are motivating, thought provoking and open ended. (Not just the recitation of facts.) Discuss questions ( big overarching objectives) and ask them what questions they would like to add. Dr. Carole Redline
Process: Take leadership communicate interact reflect adapt Planning Solving problems Self-directing Self assessment Iterating Dr. Carole Redline
What about slackers? Watch to see why this teacher just doesn't understand this concept. mp4 Dr. Carole Redline Did you learn anything from this teacher? What?
The bottom line Students and Teachers must: Have Mutual Respect for each other’s skills Behave ethically Think critically Set goals Have good judgment Make good decisions Dr. Carole Redline
Creative Commons/Copyright Creative Commons (to receive free resources for presentations and teach copyright.) Dr. Carole Redline
Assessment Formative feedback from teacher Encouragement to do even better Publishing, peer feedback, global audience Self-assessment Dr. Carole Redline
These ideas are NOT newThese ideas are NOT new! mp4 mp4 Students learning on their own or in groups by answering questions and solving problems with their teacher’s guidance. Learning by doing Project based learning Student centered learning Constructivism Dr. Carole Redline
Principal’s Role What do you think? Dr. Carole Redline