Project Based Learning Using Technology to Enhance Instruction Instructor: Ken Kuveke
Welcome! »Please use markers to make an index card name tag for your computer. See sample… »You may then decorate your manila folder. This is where you’ll keep all materials from the course. »Please begin thinking of ways you currently use technology in your classrooms.
Let’s Review the Standards… pi_find.idc
Pros & Cons of Technology PROSCONS
Let’s Talk Senteo… »What are some ways you might use this in your classroom? »SMART Response is the “new” term for the Senteo Software. Look at the lessons already made: US/Ed+Resource/Lesson+activities/Senteo/CorrelateLessonAc tivities.htm »Please share what you designed…Did you find any good tips or tricks while navigating through the software that you can share?
Day 1: Ticket Out the Door »What will you take away from today’s class? »What are you still wondering about?
Let the Races Begin… »What are all the pieces to the Smart Board puzzle? »Projector »Laptop »Cables »Smart Board alignment
Smart Board Resources »The handouts share links to some terrific pre-made Smart Board activities. »Let’s take some time to explore the sites and create our own Smart Board activities. Be ready to share what you’ve seen and created!
Internet Safety »Age based guidelines »Child & Parent Contracts »Permission Slips »Check out these sites for more on Internet Safety with kids:
What is a Voice Thread? Watch the tutorial here: »Let’s Create an account… »Some safe ways to use with students: 1.Only allow access YOUR thread by giving out your URL. 2.Give them access to your password for the day so they can comment. Make sure to change your password! 3.Under your name, you can create limitless identities so each student can have their own.
Pod What? »Podcasts are ways to distribute media files over the internet. »Audio (Podcasts) or Video (Vodcasts) can then be downloaded and played on media players »Some of the most common uses are narrated stories, lectures, and as a way of reporting out what was learned.
Podbean »Great site to upload your Podcasts and Vodcasts! »Go to and sign up for an account.
Day 2: Ticket Out the Door »What was useful from today? »What are you still wondering about?
Vivid Video »Capturing Video »Uploading Video »Editing Video 1.Photo Story- use handouts and see Al Franken’s thoughts 2.Movie Maker- to learn more, visit: using/moviemaker/create/default.mspx using/moviemaker/create/default.mspx
Day 3: Ticket Out the Door »Please reflect on what you learned from the course and your confidence level using these tools in September.
End of Course Paperwork »Pay or Credit Paperwork »Evaluations