Faculty Advisor – Dr. Suraj Kothari Client – Jon Mathews Team Members – Chaz Beck Marcus Rosenow Shaun Brockhoff Jason Lackore
AADL (Architecture Analysis and Design Language) Textual and graphic notation with precise semantics to model applications and execution platforms Example: airplane’s subsystems (sensors, processes, buses, etc) Models tested against predefined qualifiers Language used as a unifier in transferring models in communication Companies interested: Rockwell Collins Boeing Honeywell Lockheed Martin and others SEI Open Source AADL Tool Environment (OSATE) Major program used to develop AADL models A few weaknesses 2
Few development environments available Low entry-cost (Open source software) Eclipse based (Java) Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Visual representation of models Unified modeling method 3
Application of model persistence For alleviating modeling tool burdens For creation of meaningfully sized models for simulation Storage of EMF models Import large models Retrieve relevant, but smaller sections of data Dynamic model testing Arbitrarily large Multiple layers of abstraction 4
Model Generator Accept model parameters/constraints and output AADL model conforming to the parameters System must be extendable so future developers can easily add new parameters to the system XML:DB Adapter Store XML representations of AADL models in an XML database Allow user to query the model on a per-object basis 5
Model Generator uses two interfaces Command line interface for scripting purposes OSATE plugin XML:DB Adapter None 8
Model Generator – 1. Develop a static model generator that produces AAXL output 2. Extend the static model generator to handle dynamic model generation 3. Create a console that allows parameters to be input from the user to control the dynamic model generation 4. Experiment with dynamically generating models larger than memory XML:DB Adapter – 1. Experiment with BaseX and understand its limitations in terms of performance and features 2. Build a wrapper for BaseX in Java to insert XML files into database and to perform XPath (1.0) queries 3. Generate EMF models for testing from java annotated code 4. Develop the XML:DB adapter using EMF’s persistence API and use BaseX for data storage 10
High risk of not finishing on time Project was redefined twice, leaving less time to focus on planning and design phases Making improvements to existing software, some of which is not mature Two subgroups meant the loss of a team member would have more drastic effect due to more specialization between the two subgroups 11
Pass in constraints/properties of the model Create tree representation of the model using EMF/OSATE components in memory Output memory representation to AAXL text, which can be converted by OSATE into AADL text and EMF diagram Extensible structure to allow new AADL components and tree structures to be added later 13
Implement EMF Estore and other interfaces to allow per-object queries Validate user-provided URI and do conversion if necessary between two supported standards (EMF or OSATE’s custom XPath implementation) Generalized for XML, but can store AAXL model files as they conform to XML specifications 14
White Box Testing JUnit was used on logic-oriented classes OSATE API provides many restrictions on how components can be used We have put our own restrictions in place to preserve model validity Custom exceptions thrown to capture specific errors System Testing Use OSATE to convert AAXL to AADL and EMF diagram Use OSATE to run analyses on imported diagrams to confirm validity of model Use OSATE to create “instances” of the system – a flat model based on the original model layers 15
White Box Testing JUnit 4 used in BaseXWrapper class to test BaseX database Black Box Testing Used generated EMF models from java annotated code Rewrote the generated model’s factory classes to use BaseXEStore instead of in-memory storage Instrumented BaseXWrapper class with Java Logger to capture traces of EMF’s execution 16
Mode Generator Generating models larger than memory Taking advantage of XML:DB Adapter XML:DB Adapter Integrating XML:DB adapter with OSATE Package up implementation into “market” deliverable and making use of BaseXEObject class 19