Identity Aims at adults who have not finished the compulsory education (Gymnasium). Two (2) year studies. Evening lessons. Provides Gymnasium certificate of studies. Public, and free (without fees). Alternative curriculum of studies.
Target Group Second Chance Schools aim at young citizens in need of social and work inclusion. Holistic trainee approach aiming at personality development and improvement of participation at economical, social and cultural level. Reentrance in labor market.
Targets Completion of the compulsory education of adult citizens (over 18). Reentrance to education and professional training of drop outs. Acquisition of modern knowledge, skills and attitudes. Improvement of self esteem. Improvement of position in labor market.
Principles of operation (1/2) Flexibility. Program Structure – Content. Assessment. Other activities. Holistic needs approach. Psychologist. Career advisor.
Principles of operation (2/2) Cooperation with social authorities. Acquisition of basic and advance knowledges and skills. Reading - Writing. Basic arithmetic. Computer literacy. Social skills.
Curriculum Multi-literacy. Languages (Greek – English) Arithmetic – Mathematical Informatics Environmental Scientific (Physical Sciences) Social Culture - Art Labs – Multi-thematic projects.
Administrative Schools of the General Secretary of Life Long Learning, through the Institute of Life Long Learning. At there are 59 SCSs in operation. In Thessaloniki there are 3 SCSs in operation: Neapolis. Center. Prison of Diavata. Co funded from EU and Greek Government.
Operational This year, Second Chance School of Neapolis has About 100 adult trainees. 15 staff members. Secretary. Psychologist. Career advisor.
Thanks! Second Chance School of Neapolis Thessaloniki Tel.: