Nizza 2000.
CITIZEN Have an own country To be respectful with other people Equolity To belong to a country To have civil rights To have rights and duties Welfare state To have political rights To get in touch with a lot of different people
Do you feel like a European citizen? What does EU lack for a future citizen? How can we build our conscioussnes of European citizens? What can young people do to build a better Europe?
…we don’t have a common language …Europe is a far reality …we need to work together for our common purposes …we aren’t a unique state …we haven’t common laws
…the free circulation of people …the free circulation of goods …the economic safety of the Euro …the common effort to go to Mars …the Chart of fundamental rights …the need of common values...the economic help of Europe …the European education grants
…the nearness between European Parlament and Government …the knowledge of other people …the common feeling of unity EU lacks….
…be curious and opened with other cultures …travel to know better other peoples …learn other peoples’ positive aspects …save the natural environment …know better European Institutions …know the History of European integration …more information about EU opportunities
…fight racism …create an internet network where teenagers can discuss about European news …create an European newspaper …express our point of view in an artistic work and spread it into European schools
The flag The European anthem: “Nineth symphony” di Beethoven The coin: the euro (only some states) The European Day: 9th May The European motto: “Together in diversity”
Respect of common values Fundamental freedoms European citizen Chart of fundamental rights Solidarity between States Improvement in European Union democratic life
DIGNITY FREEDOM EQUALITY SOLIDARITY CITIZIEN JUSTICE In our opinion all the articles in the dignity chapter, are essential for a good conduct of our country, Europe.
The Constitutional Chart of the rights extends on the EU the absolute values of Union’s states. The European project, however, can’t and mustn’t stop here. For that it could be found on strong values of solidarity to create a better Europe. It could help every nation and be helpful with the poorest of the world, cancelling their debt.
ARTICLE 2 Noboby can be condemned to death or be killed. We think that this article is one of the most significant because law should protect people lifes, also criminals ones, offering them the possibility to change in better.
ARTICLE 3 human reproductive cloning ban This article contain all principles that protect the human right of be unique. It limits modern science experiments and researches. However we think that also animals should be protected, not only human beings but all living beings.
ARTICOLO 5: nobody can be reduced in slavery This article is very important because it bands that some one can be considered more important than another one, guaranting every people freedom in decision. Besides, it’s a goal that we have achieved after several centuries.
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