Electoral System How politicians are elected into office. Electoral Systems 1.First-Past-The-Post 2.Proportional Representation 3.Mixed Member Proportional System
1. First-Past-The-Post (FPTP) United States/ Britain/Nigeria/Iran Single-member districts (SMD) Plurality/winner- takes-all system – (more than other candidates) Problems with FPTP?
2. Proportional Representation (PR) Russia Multi-member districts my/BeginnningReading/howprwor.htm my/BeginnningReading/howprwor.htm
2. Proportional Representation (PR) Russia Multi-member districts Seats are divided among parties based on proportion of vote received. Threshold PARTY LIST Closed List– – Parties order the list of candidates. Open List— – Voters order the list of candidates.
Proportional Representation (PR) (EU elections in UK– closed list)
Proportional Representation (Open List)
3. Mixed Member Proportional System (MMP) Mexico Some members of legislature are elected by single-member FPTP. Some members elected by a proportional system.
Mixed Member Proportional System
Mexico’s Electoral System MIXED MEMBER PROPORTIONAL VOTING (MMP) 1964: Proportional introduced Chamber of Deputies (500 seats) – 300 SMD (FPTP) – 200 Proportional PARTYNUMBER OF SEATS PRI241 PAN147 PRD72 Green17 Labour9 New Alliance8 Convergence6 CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES: 2009
olyoke.edu/acad/ polit/damy/Begin nningReading/ho wprwor.htm olyoke.edu/acad/ polit/damy/Begin nningReading/ho wprwor.htm
howprwor.htm howprwor.htm
Alternative Vote British Referendum (2011) FPTP: single-member districts Rank your candidates If no first preference gets a majority, second preference of least popular candidate gets redistributed. Repeat until FPTP
Party Systems The set of significant political parties in a country, and their interactions. Party Systems 1.Single Party System 2.Single-Party Dominant System 3.Two Party System 4.Multiparty System
Party Systems Single Party System One party with dictatorial power. Position of power usually guaranteed in Constitution. Political opposition is heavily restricted our outlawed. Single-Party Dominant System One party controls political power for a long time. Other parties are tolerated. Few, if any, legal impediments to other parties.
Party Systems Two Party System Two parties dominate. Others may exist, but have no real political importance. Emanate from what type of Electoral System? FPTP Multiparty System More than two parties have an impact on political life. Often leads to coalition governments. Type of Electoral System? PR & MMP