Student Council
What is it all about? A school council does a number of things: The school council meets - with a member of staff present - to discuss and sort out problems. These may include school lunches, behaviour or ideas for fundraising events. Members of the school council will be responsible for carrying out the ideas that have been agreed, such as planning, writing newspaper articles, or meeting with important visitors.
Who could they be?
They need to be… Reliable Happy to listen and share others ideas Willing to write letters to helpful people Willing to talk to different people Other ideas…
What is voting? This year we are having a NEW voting system to make sure every vote counts!
First past the post Who wins?
Ballot paper You vote in order of preference Red Triangle Blue Square Green Square Wiggly Worm
Single Transferable Vote Counting the vote… a little complicated First put all the ballot papers into piles of who got number 1. The candidate with the least is out. There votes are given out again based on who is down as number 2. The candidate with the least is out. This continues until there is a winner.
What do you need to do now? If you are interested 1. Take home a letter tonight Year 1, 2 and 3 Prepare a speech to give to your class about why you would be the best person to be on school council. You will say your speech in class on Thursday this week Year 4, 5 and 6 Prepare a manifesto explaining why you are a good choice and what you want to do. This will be anonymous and must be given in by Wednesday. Your class will read these and vote for them on Thursday.