Handover Mechanism in IEEE e, WiBro by Bhupendra Borse
WiBro Network Architecture
WiBro Specifications: Operating Frequency 2.4 GHz 9 MHz Bandwidth Mobility up to 60 km/hr (31 miles/hr)
Physical Layer R = N * b * c / T Where: N = Number of used sub carriers b = Number of bits per modulation symbol c = Coding rate T = OFDM symbol duration
Calculation at Physical Layer Fs = floor (Sampling-factor * Channel-Bandwidth / 8000) * 8000 Where: Sampling-Factor = Sampling Factor. This is set to 8/7 in the implementation. Channel-Bandwidth = Channel bandwidth, in Hz symbol time, Tb, is calculated by using the following formula: Tb = FFT-size / Fs Where: FFT-size = FFT size Cyclic prefix time, Tg = G * Tb Where: G = Ratio of cyclic prefix time to useful symbol time. The following values are supported in the implementation: 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, and 1/4. Tb = Useful symbol time OFDMA symbol time, T, is calculated by using the following formula: T = Tb + Tg Where: Tb = Useful symbol time Tg = Cycle prefix time
Types of Handover BS initiated HO MS initiated HO BS Base Station MS Mobile Station
BS initiated HO
MS initiated HO
Scenario 1: Two Cell Two HO
Handover shown
Analysis : MAC Layer
Analysis : Application Layer VBR Client VBR Server
Scenario : Two HO using VBR application
Analysis: Application Layer VBR clients VBR server
Future Work Handovers taking place with background Traffic and Faults Handovers taking while running VoiP application If Possible, Handovers under weather effect
References F. Wang et al, “IEEE e System Performance: Analysis and Simulations”, Presented at PIMRC Conference, R. Koodli, ”Fast Handover for Mobile IPv6,” Internet Draft,” MobileIP Working Group, 2004 K. El Malki, ”Low Latency Handoffs in Mobile IPv4,”, Internet Draft,” Network Working Group, 2004 IEEE P802.16e/D4, ”Draft IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed and Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Systems,” Aug, 2004 “Design and Implementation of a Simulator Based on a Cross-Layer Protocol between MAC and PHY Layers in a WiBro Compatible IEEE e OFDMA System",Taesoo Kwon, Howon Lee, Sik Choi, Juyeop Kim, and Dong-Ho Cho,Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Sunghyun Cho, Sangboh Yun, Won-Hyoung Park, and Kiho Kim, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology IEEE Communications Magazine December 2005